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reality check

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Everything posted by reality check

  1. I'm sorry if I had to restate my point but it seemed to be falling on deaf ears. I don't like to be accused of trolling when I feel I'm bringing up what I feel are honest points. I also NEVER bad mouth people and don't like to be accused that I am.
  2. I did see it and knew what you meant. I should have made reference to your reference.
  3. I challenge you to show me one time where I impugned Duncan's character. I have not said one single thing that is derogatory about him. I think he's a great player and I hope he stays. The fact of the matter is that he is coming off a Hobey Baker year. His NHL stock is at an all time high right now. If an NHL team calls on him again and makes him an offer that he can't refuse, I would not blame him one single bit for taking the money. I don't think he would be a liar if he did. If I did, then I would be impuning his character. Here's an analogy. Someone says, "I'm never getting married" Two months later he meets an incredible girl, falls in love and gets married. Is he a liar? Not in my book. At the time he said it, he truthfully meant it. But things changed I know there's been MANY times when I've said, "I'm never drinking again."
  4. Boy...tough crowd. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't blame Duncan one bit if he changes his mind because some team makes him an offer he can't refuse. Nor would I consider him a liar if he did. By the way, I have not once called him a liar.
  5. Look, if you want to consider me a troll..fine. I can't change that. In my mind a troll comes on to slams the opposing team after a loss and boasts and brags to no end. I have never nor will ever do that. I'm just saying that its far to soon to automatically assume that Duncan will be back, even though he says he is. If some team were to come and offer him the rookie maximum, I've got to believe that he would change his mind. I think that's realistic, not negative and would not reflect poorly on his character. And I don't think it is very "troll-like' to believe or state that.
  6. Because I'm bringing a little realism to a thread, I'm a troll? Look what Sagard just posted. He mentions to not be too hard if Duncan accepts an offer. Is he a troll too. I just don't like pure wide eyed, rosey colored glasses optimism. It has gotten me burned before. It's fine to be optimistic but you have to temper that with realism.
  7. My question was more hypothetical but good for you for starting your own business. I'm jealous..seriously. The fact of the matter is that when it comes to money, people are always going to fib. "Officer, I didn't know how fast I was going." "The light was yellow when I went through it." etc... Athletes do it all the time to gain more leverage. Personally I don't consider them to be of poor character to try to use as much leverage as possible to get as much money as possible. If you honestly believe that Duncan would turn down a new offer that knocks him off his feet simply because he already said he is coming back then I would like to know what color the sky is there. You have to strike while the iron is hot and I don't see it getting any hotter than it is right now. I don't doubt that right now, Duncan says he's coming back. It's just that there is a long summer ahead and lots more time for offers to come his way
  8. I'm not questioning his character. I'm just saying this is how the game is played. Have you ever applied for a new job and lied about how much you were currently making in order to get more from the new company? Does that make you a liar or of poor character?
  9. I don't mean to rain on people's parade, I'm just being realistic. It happens all the time where someone says they are coming back, but end up not. I want them to stay as much as the next guy, but the sports world is funny. Nick Saban came out and said that he will not be the next Alabama coach. What happened with that. I think it's naive to think that players don't have any ulterior motives when they announce they are coming back. By the way, I did put a positive post on the Lee/Finley Fan club thread.
  10. Thank you for a nice positive post. I was growing tired of the gripes!
  11. Need I remind you all that sometimes players say things so they can get a better deal from the team that drafted them? Duncan's stock is very high right now. In order to get the most money, he has to say things like "I'll be back next year". I'm not saying they won't be back but it is FAR too early to be counting on them sticking to their word.
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