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  1. Well sitting here in the Airport awaiting my flight for Denver getting VERY excited to see the Skate 4 8!!! MM When the Sioux win Tomorrow afternoon I better see you in the stands on Saturday with MM jr.! (even though I've never met we still better see you there!!) to all going on the Fan bus safe travels and we'll see you in Denver!!!!
  2. Myself and the jlemire Sr. are flying in from Calgary on Wed. Morning and will be staying at the inn at Cherry Ceek! (AZSIOUX you there too?) and sitting in Section 364 row 15!!!! last row in the building!!! who cares as long as I see the Sioux win!!
  3. Guys as of right now they are sold, sorry about that....
  4. no one wants them?? come on guys!!! if someone wants them they need to let me know by tomorrow afternoon at the latest so I can ship them off right away
  5. guys sorry the location is 302 Row H I should have stated that!!!
  6. I have 2 strips to all three games this weekend that I want to get rid of (asking exactly what I payed for them plus shipping) I was going to come down but decided to take the chance that the boys will be in the frozen four and book that trip! lemme know if you need them (would be willing to split up as well)
  7. I have the whole weekend for sale however I might be willing to split them up! Section 302 row H
  8. Happy Thanksgiving from everyone to the north!! enjoy your 4/5 day weekend!!
  9. jlemire


    Thanks a ton guys! I'm pumped to be down in GF for the Goofs Series never been to the Ralph or GF for that matter!!
  10. jlemire


    Does anyone have a picture of the back of a Lettered Sioux Jersey (White, Green, and Non Swift Black) I'm comming down from Canada to see the Goofer series and I want to get my Jersey's lettered but the guy who normally does them for me doesn't know how the numbers and the letters go....
  11. I will be picking up a Green Jersey here in the next few weeks forsure! I've never been to GF or the Ralph for that matter so i'm pumped!
  12. I'm heading down to GF for the Gopher Series didn't get great tickets but tickets none the less!! In less than 4 months I will be in the Ralph hopefully during a Green Out!!!! how did everyone else do?
  13. Hi guys I don't know if this is a repeat but there are tickets onsale through Ticketmaster for the whole tourny right now so you wont need to pay scalper prices on Ebay! http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/06003D7B...mp;minorcatid=9 Hope this helps, again I'm a newby so sorry if it's a repeat
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