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  1. The tickets have been sold.
  2. I have 4 tickets together in the lower bowl, section 107, ten rows off the ice. These are for Friday, January 14, 2011 vs the goophers. Seats are in the Sioux attack twice end. Running a little short for Christmas this year and need to raise some money! Make me an offer I can't refuse and get these under the tree for Christmas! I can deliver in GF or Fargo (I'll be in Fargo Wed. Dec. 22). Go Sioux!!!
  3. Thanks for the suggestions, the released block is already sold out. Any Beaver fans out there know if there are the usual scalpers in front of the arena before game time? Any ideas about how much tickets usually go for? The game is televised in Bemidji right, so worst case, where's a good bar to watch the game at? Thanks again. Go Sioux! If anyone come up with 4 adult tickets for tonight, I will buy them - 218-791-1764 - Ben
  4. Any leads on 4 tickets for tonights game in Bemidji? Please call me if you have any tickets available - 218-791-1764 - Ben
  5. Is there any web site or message board around to buy tickets for Bemidji home games? Tonights game is sold out and I am desperately looking for 4 tickets.
  6. I have 4 lower bowl tickets for Saturday's game vs Bemidji. They are in Section 107, row H, these are just outside the attack twice goal line, just above the glass line. Asking $100 for all four tickets. Call me at 218-791-1764, Ben.
  7. I have 4 tickets for the Friday AA game, Section 107, Row J, attack twice end - just outside the goal line. Asking $25 per ticket. I will consider splitting them up into pairs. 218-791-1764, Ben
  8. It's all variable depending on where you wanna sit. I have 4 lower bowl tickets and am required to "donate" $1100 a year for the privilage of buying my tickets for $325 per season ticket, plus the cost of 1st round playoff tickets, and a small processing fee, the total for everything comes to just under $2500. If you do the math you would be paying a bit under $30/per ticket. If you want less tickets you can donate as little as $660 to get 2 in the lower bowl, and as little as $110 for 2 in the upper bowl. I have never had problems getting rid of tickets to games I can't make and as ticket prices continue to rise for individual tickets, it's nice that season ticket prices have not risen in 2 years now.
  9. I have 4 tickets in the lower bowl for tonights game vs Denver. These are in section 107, Row J, this is the attack twice end for the Sioux, great seats just above the glass line. Asking $25/ticket. Call me at 218-791-1764 if interested, I am in town and can deliver if needed.
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