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Posts posted by knownothing

  1. Knownothing, your name is very appropriate. I already addressed the issue of potential, and went in depth into why someone playing in the USHL is obviously overly qualified to win Mr. Hockey, and is almost definitly being snubbed if he does not win the award. You however, ignored those points and played something like a broken record. Anyone who is unbiased as to who wins Mr. Hockey would agree that Danny Wurden was the best player on the ice in the state of North Dakota. I'm not one to base the quality of someones play on points but Zach Miller put up numbers as good as Herbel in the East. Obviously he had better players with him, but the competition was much harder. If you consider all the above facts it's easy to come to the conclusion the Miller and Wurden split votes, and the West (who wanted to see there own succeed, with disregard to who the best player is) all voted for Herbel. It's a harsh reality.

    Now, I'm not going to argue this anymore because your skull is obviously to thick to take in any logical information. In the next few months to a year you will be able to clearly see who the better hockey player is. And when the time comes I don't want to hear "he just reached his potential in those fews months". Please.

  2. The ND senior hockey player of the year has nothing to do with playing in the USHL or having a pro team interested in you. It is simply the player that those who choose felt was the best high school player. It would be the same as the Heisman Trophy award winner in college football. That award is not given to the player with the best pro potential, it is given to the best college football player that year. Eric Herbal won the ND player of the year award..he was very deserving. Get over it!!! I hope Danny Wurden has a great career and is very succesful!

  3. What is your point exactly? Danny Wurden is in Sioux City playing with the Muskateers right now. Why would he be there? Is Sioux City just getting his rights and hoping for major development in the summer months? I doubt it. The scouts in the NHL have various ways that they rank a players potential. While many players have potential, what is most considered is the odds the player will reach that potential. They rate players like 6.5 C. The C meaning they might reach there potential. An A meaning it is almost certain they will reach there potential. Point being, they don't just show interest in anyone based on potential. They player has to show them something in the present (besides potential) that tells them they could one day play in the NHL.

    Being named Mr. Hockey does not mean you are the best player in the state. Not in the least. Being named Mr. Hockey does not even mean you were the best senior in the state. It does not even mean the majority of coach's in the state thought you were the best player. It means that more coach's voted for you than the other players.

    My point. There are no NHL scouts interested in Eric Herbel. There are no WCHA teams interested in Eric Herbel. While he is a good player, he is not on the same level of Danny Wurden.

  4. I have to believe Arnason did not make it because of sentimental vote for Deichert. Arnason played much better all season than Deichert, especially at state. Deichert let in 2 soft goals and was probably the difference in the championship game. Also, how did the Seaburg kid from Bismarck make it??? Also, 8 forwards and 7 defensemen? Strange?

  5. I have seen both Herbal and Wurden play. Herbal was a great choice for ND player of the year, he is very deserving. It doesn't matter if he is going to Sioux City or is "rumored" to be a potential draft pick by Columbus, he was the best ND high player. Wurden had a poor state tournament and is probably overrated. He put up great offensive numbers but played very shakey defense. We will see how far he goes. Don't be surprised to see Herbal play beyond high school. Congratulations Eric!!!

  6. In most cases, X number of points in the West is significantly less if you were to play in the East. That point is supported by West teams losing in the first round of state the majority of years. Now, Eric Herbel must be a good player. However, does anyone think he is as good as someone who is leaving to play in the USHL, and is being scouted by the Columbus Blue Jackets? I doubt it. What probably happend was, a few coachs in the East split votes between Wurden and one of the other two candidates from the East. While every coach from the West voted for Herbel.

  7. In most cases, X number of points in the West is significantly less if you were to play in the East. That point is supported by West teams losing in the first round of state the majority of years. Now, Eric Herbel must be a good player. However, does anyone think he is as good as someone who is leaving to play in the USHL, and is being scouted by the Columbus Blue Jackets? I doubt it. What probably happend was, a few coachs in the East split votes between Wurden and one of the other two candidates from the East. While every coach from the West voted for Herbel.

  8. If Grafton makes it to the championship game fatigue would be a big factor. They would have to play 2 much tougher games than RR, thus RR's depth would be the difference. However, I don't think GPR can beat South. Their second and third lines are playing the best they have all year. South will ride them to a state championship as long as Deichert stays sharp.

  9. You people are ridiculous if you think economics play that important of a role in athletics. It all boils down to the talent. Some years some schools have it , some years they don't. If your theory makes any sense then explain to me how GF Central won a state championship only 3 years ago. Did all the "rich" kids then live in the Central school district?

  10. The player that is not playing in the State Tournament is Adam Crary, who had to have surgury on his leg because of a torn muscle. He tore the muscle when the ref stepped on him toward the end of the second period.

  11. It is my understanding McDougall was an alternate for Elite I but chose to play Elite II instead. Doesn't he also play baseball in the summer? I agree that south's first line does not pass the puck very well. That seems to be north's problem also. If south wants to beat Red River they will need to play as a team much better. Is there a personality conflict on that team?

  12. I'm not sure that success in the Elite league is necessarily a fair reflection of ability. There are typically no tryouts for the team, and players are often placed upon the team based upon reputation of past selection on Select teams. There were a few Elite 1 players that did not make the Team North Dakota for Chicago, and a few more that did not make Junior A teams. In other words, they no longer made the team based upon past performance or reputation. There were also several players from Minnesota who played Elite 1 who were outperformed on Junior A teams by players that were not as fortunate to be selected. Furthermore, success on an Elite 1 team is often directly proportionate to who that person is playing with and the amount of playing time. Jordy Christian and Aaron Marvin are great players, but they also logged more than their fair share of playing time.

    I'm not saying that is necessarily the case with Jake McDougall, but I would not measure his ability by whether he made Elite 1 or how well he performed (e.g. points scored).

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