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Everything posted by diabetk

  1. What is your point?
  2. I agree 100% Mcloud will clean house at the end of the year. If not we may just as well get Dean for comish (the real one blazer) not the one that follows after Goon all the time.
  3. Where did the 8 or so post go that were on this thread. Just a Q for the moderator who erased them. Does free speach apply only to those you chose? Do Tell. Thanks
  4. Classic! Has anyone herd from Dean tonight?
  5. I hate that premature stuff it's kind of embarassing hey sat next to your bro last night ndhockey for two periods millers family on the other side (chewing the luck charm skoal longcut) it worked well tonight. I think he was chewing cope sat night that didn't work out so well. ya sure youbetchya
  6. I sat next to a Miller family member at the game on friday night! It was a delight to talk to him and get his perspective on the game. It is a long way to drive but they made the trip anyway. He did have an odd habbit of putting in a rather large dip of skoal streight longcut just before the start of each period maybe were on to a little luck charm? If I remember correctly I think Greg Lotyz used to do the same on the air when we needed a goal as Greg would say "Tim the dip is in" I also remember PA and Dubay talking about this on the air.
  7. diabetk


    Wow you sure new alot about the game of hockey is there a chance you could parlay that into an answer on your favorite on ice player Oshie? Will he play or not, who will take his spot in?
  8. good point Dean last I checked Goon had the #8 ranked hockey blog hmm
  9. The boyz have played hard since the last time we played tech. I think at that time there was a number of posters who thought Radke was the worst players on the team? Well I guess not, we have risen from the ashes of being a top ten pairwise team to first place in some polls. I think if my math is correct we are 15-3-4 since Radke has been playing full time. I think there is some reason for the turn around and what he brings to the ice each night. What doya think. Should he be in the line up now? Some of you need to check on your breakdown of his play. Will there be any retractions? I doubt it. Oh well all aboard. Radke is on the ice, how do you like it now?
  10. I agree with you on that one , or maybe my blood sugars just high...rofl
  11. finley is a puss and wouldnt fight to back up his own mother on the ice, on top of that hes an officially an A-HOLE and degrades the #2 und jersey, i bleed green but for joe he has acquired a strong feeling of dislike from this guy and much earned on a personal level may i say
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