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  1. it was a nice win to see. it looked as if they team has come together and are ready to sweep the NCC one last time.
  2. i thought this was about hockey, let the GRAVE DIGGER a.k.a SiouxMeNow worry about the old dirt. let's face it, it was time for a change and it would be easier on all to have UND friend/alumni to smooth out the bumps.
  3. i think it would be good to look for at alumni and friends of UND.
  4. has roebuck ever done this in his tenure at UND. I think not and the key to this sentence is ROEBUCK. the HEAD COACH, reserves the right to do this. What if it was you and we did not know all the factors in your life-death, illness, injury etc... why don't we just go to the press\media and talk about your performance at work, and i assume you are an adult so you would not be too happy about it. i did not say they should baby the players, i beleive in tough love, tough love happends at HOME, not in the street.
  5. again lack of respect!!
  6. I would think that shows lack of respect for the head coach and program. How disrespectful to the athletes and to those famlies. The coach that did this only played for three years, why is that?
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