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Posts posted by dumbpeoplesuk

  1. http://www.thedartmouth.com/article.php?aid=2006111702020

    So, given what has happened at the wonderful, Pro-Native American institution of higher learning - Dartmouth, IF and when the University of North Dakota decides to retire the Fighting Sioux name and logo and if the UND community reacts to the retirement in the same manner as the Dartmouth community has, we can look forward to an abundent 'hostile and abusive' actions against all minorities (none of which occur in the here and now at UND), Native Americans included, for the next three plus decades. Hmmm......

    But, fellow members, we will then be hailed as a premiere school by the NC$$ because we will not have a Native American name and logo.

    OK, I think I get it now. :D

    Well, you are not expecting anything new, then, are you? Because you already perpetuate a hostile and abusive environment. I have had black friends that have told me that "at least in the South, they are all outright racist to your face...here, they just smile and then stab you in the back." I agree -- I have seen racism at its worst. You folks are doing a good job of seeing to it that I see the most privileged side of ugly.

  2. Because you admit that changing the name will have no effect, what's the harm in leaving the name as it is?

    Oh that is ridiculous. You know where the harm is -- you and all of Grand Forks -- well, North Dakota for that matter -- have been told that it DOES HURT. If a child says, stop, that hurts, we all teach them to quit doing the thing that hurts. Since I have been hurt, over and over on this logo stuff, why can't you just quit bullying and give up that name? Also, my children have been hurt over it so that makes you all guilty of child endangerment, so to speak. If you have not heard about an incident directly related to the logo, that is because SOMEONE has covered it up. This is all logical reasoning.

  3. I would hope that ND people could behave better than those Ivy Leaguers, but the name changers need to take a lesson from this fiasco going on out east. Changing the name changes nothing, because the name is not the amswer to the problem.

    It is proven fact, though, that it perpetuates the stereotypes that are already out there. So, what harm does it do? You all won't have anything to gripe about and get upset and obsess about? That is about all the harm done. It has also been proven that alumni support does not dwindle, but is heightened with a name change at a major university level. So, again, where is the harm? I suppose nobody will respond to the question either since I am such a "troll."

  4. Umm ... Code Orange today.


    Florida State University, whose teams are called the Seminoles, decided they had to have a secret meeting to determine an alternative team name in case politically correct pressures forced them to change the name. The university trustees met one afternoon and argued different choices half the night. Finally, at 3 a.m. they agreed on a new alternative name for their teams: The Florida State Bingo Casino Executives.



    grow up -- no opinion is allowed to be addressed here except the racist one or what? Sick and elitist racists -- that is a new brand for me!

  5. Question is, who"s campus is more hostile? It would appears its hands down Darthmouth and not the UND like their AD is claiming. This is shameful. I was thinking about sending the Dartmouth AD a letter of my own but I am not sure how to write a letter to a clueless pompus lvy leaguer.

    For the answer to that and other questions, all you need to do is look at all the forum postings under "Sioux Name" on this message board site. You guys are all sounding pretty hostile and abusive. Not only towards a race of people, but also towards issues of homosexuality, you name it!

  6. Iwabuchi, a little tolerance please. That was a low blow and not fair, not in the least.

    Brasco has a decent point that IF the nickname starts to hurt UND athletics, then its time to change it. In that case, whether we win the legal case or not becomes irrelevant. Fair or not, if it hurts the teams, hurts the programs, then its time to change. That time is not yet here, but it is not too early to ask the question.

    Chill. Please. Thank you.

    OK double standards AGAIN! You don't want to be called an idiot or DUMB or told that dumb people SUCK but you can call someone a whimp for feeling like this whole thing is getting tiring? Or, you insist you are going to win a losing legal battle without what poll, survey or research study? Where do you back your facts up with? And...winning one injunction doesn't count. That issue was not at the heart of the case at all. UND has a big song and dance to strut before April's trial. I hope they lose, myself. I hope that every student at UND feels the brunt when tuition gets hiked to pay for a frivilous lawsuit based on economics, being racist, and plain stupidity.

    You all need to CHILL and quit attacking people personally. Because, when the tables are turned and YOU are the ones being attacked, you cry whimpering to the forum administrator to get comments removed. Hide behind your cubist minds and just tell yourselves over and over that you are right -- even when the REST OF THE WORLD sees how wrong you really all are.

  7. Geez Louise!!! You take at face value the 'hostility and abuse' the Fighting Sioux name and logo are causing thousands of Americans without any evidence other than the 'someone told me, I heard that, I know someone who....' but when given a link to what I posted you don't believe it. That's the problem I see with the Name Change crowd! Believe unfounded facts and ignore FACTS!!

    Let's try this again shall we. I have the time. I'm on the Navajo Nation reservation with no television, no cell phone and am just sitting resting my feet for a bit before starting supper.

    Click on link http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendID=29754418

    Scroll down about half a page, on the far left you will see 'G's Friends Comments', scroll down to the 4th and 5th comments dated November 9,2006, 12:32 and 12:33p. The poster is 'Offensive Chick' (Hostile and Abusive must already have been taken). She (he?) posts first

    Next post,

    Just the facts, ma'm.

    You people do suk....and are dumb. and a bunch of trouble makers. You should all be sued for defamation of character, just for starters. I truly can see you all burning crosses in someone's yard.

  8. And Dartmouth has how many programs aimed at Native Americans?

    /cue theme from "Jeopardy"

    What is "One", Alex?

    [emphasis added]

    That's about 17/year. Although they claim to have 157 in "the program" currently ... whatever that means.



  9. Why is it that any time an American Indian states a FACT, they have to provide the white guys with a study, poll, or (inconsistent) survey to back it up? Perhaps this woman is "channeling "Dr. Stephanie!"" I have a feeling she would be proud of that fact. Also, where is your poll, study or survey that backs up your calling this woman an "idiot." I suggest you and all the IDIOTS in this forum look in the mirror. There is no bravery, intelligence or other type of showing that supports talking about people in forums when they do not have the ability to defend themselves. I see it all the time in here. That is why I finally signed up to respond to some of this bogus poo you are all dealing out in here. I see sports fanatics just like you guys -- closed minded, simple, personally attacking statements, from people with their own agendas. It does no good, I realize, to even write this, as you will all call me an "idiot." Maybe, what is really on the tip of your tongues is ......"Indian Lover." So what? Why is it not ok to love Indians but it IS OK to love the white supremacy that is the overwhelming representing group in this here forum?

    PS: they don't need a poll -- I refer you to the CURRENT UND INDIAN ASSOCIATION RESOLUTION in support of CHANGING THE NAME. That was a majority vote that passed with ONLY 2 Indian studenta opposing it.

  10. As the case throughout, Kupchella articulates a firm position while giving the recipient a fair chance to change their mind. I'd like to see the higher-ups at Dartmouth get some education from UND.

    Well done, Mr President.

    I also think that, when Kupchella was entertaining the idea to change the name based on tribal resolutions, he had a different take on things and may have, for once in his life, been thinking clearly. Each and everyone of you know darn well that, when he said he was considering it and "how can we ignore the tribes' requests?" was unacceptable to you and he, in your meager opinions, was NOT A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH during that time. DOUBLE STUPID STANDARDS ONCE AGAIN!@

  11. As the case throughout, Kupchella articulates a firm position while giving the recipient a fair chance to change their mind. I'd like to see the higher-ups at Dartmouth get some education from UND.

    Well done, Mr President.

    Horrible quote you mean. Where does Kupchella (aka KUPCAKE) get off trying to criticize a prestigious school like Dartmouth? He has tried to discredit his own graduate students before, so this idiotic statement does nothing for me, except prove just how blind North Dakota and its University System really is. What a load of garbage. I suggest NONE OF YOU have a clue!

  12. Oh, really? Based on what study, poll, survey, etc.? I think this idiot is channeling "Dr. Stephanie".

    Why is it that any time an American Indian states a FACT, they have to provide the white guys with a study, poll, or (inconsistent) survey to back it up? Perhaps this woman is "channeling "Dr. Stephanie!"" I have a feeling she would be proud of that fact. Also, where is your poll, study or survey that backs up your calling this woman an "idiot." I suggest you and all the IDIOTS in this forum look in the mirror. There is no bravery, intelligence or other type of showing that supports talking about people in forums when they do not have the ability to defend themselves. I see it all the time in here. That is why I finally signed up to respond to some of this bogus poo you are all dealing out in here. I see sports fanatics just like you guys -- closed minded, simple, personally attacking statements, from people with their own agendas. It does no good, I realize, to even write this, as you will all call me an "idiot." Maybe, what is really on the tip of your tongues is ......"Indian Lover." So what? Why is it not ok to love Indians but it IS OK to love the white supremacy that is the overwhelming representing group in this here forum?

  13. I have to tell you what I found out tonight. I was in Monticello watching my nephew play hockey and a man that went to SCSU told me that when he was a student there, that some Liberal Professors offered extra credit to to students that were willing to go and protest against the Sioux when they were in town.

    This blew me away. I am sorry but any instructor that offers extra credit for something that is not class related, should be fired ASAP, tenure should not matter.

    I had to share and GO Sioux and Sioux Forever!

    I s'pose it is ok then to offer extra credit in athletic courses so that you can go see a hockey game? Double standards abound in this and other forums on this website.

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