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StuGov Vice President

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Well Gang, what can I say; it is a new program please give it a chance. The E-mail has not gone out yet; there was a misprint in the DS. The email was slated to go out today, (wed). I'm aware of the fact that it has not gone out yet and we are working with athletics right now to find out what the hold up is. Know that we as Student Government have everything in place on our side so we are just waiting on ticketmaster and athletics. Ticket prices have been set at $75 for the Season ticket package and 7 for single game tickets. Please be patient, Thank You. Feel Free to email or call anytime. Nate Hilliard Student Body VP Phone: 777-4377 Email: stugovvicepresident@mail.UND.nodak.edu
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