Two thoughts, my friends:
1. If your "jersey coordinator" is moving out of the area to Colorado, why not consider having HC send the jerseys to the UND bookstore? Or are you trying to keep them out of the loop? (They wouldn't try to sell the HC jerseys would they? ) After all, I was going to suggest to the HC bookstore that they should cut a deal with the Fighting Sioux's bookstore and sell HC apparel there (hockey, of course).
2. Some of the Holy Cross fans on their board thought it would be great if you guys were to come east and play us next season. Though our on-campus "arena" is very small and seats only about 1,200 but we had about 2,000 at the conference playoffs, we have access to a large arena in Worcester, MA, until about 2 years ago the 2nd largest city in New England, smaller only than Boston. The DCU arena seats, I believe upwards of 12,000 and the hockey fans in New England, not just HC fans would flock to the game (especially if you go all the way or at least beat BC). I can assure you that the folks in Massachusetts (I live in Rhode Island, smallest state in the union) would do all in their power to try to match your hospitality.