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  1. Want me to paint a picture for you? When I get to Fargo at 11AM, I am spending time with my family for about 4 hours and then taking off for the Metropolis of GF... In Fargo, I think we may catch lunch at AppleBees and then hit the Home Depot.... and if we have time maybe the Bed, Bath and Beyond.... It's a pretty sweet little day I have lined up.... mmmmm, the beer taste so good when it hits my lip??
  2. Let's go sioux
  3. Can I just have Friday night??? Or how much for both if you wont break them?? Roger Cell Phone 612 306 3387
  4. Please call me on my cell phone at 612 306 3387.. My name is Roger I live in the cities, but will be in Fargo around 11 AM and then in GF by 4:30PM THanks
  5. Let me know if you have any tickets available for the games at Grand Forks. I live in the cities, have family in Fargo and Friends in GF.. To make the swap of money for tickets. Thanks Roger Anderson rjanderson@bremer.com
  6. I will take 2 or 4 sets if available.. Let me know what you have available if you have any left.. Thanks, Roger Anderson rjanderson@bremer.com
  7. Are any tickets still available? I work in South St. Paul and could use 2 or 4 together.. Thanks Roger Anderson Bremer Investments. rjanderson@bremer.com
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