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  1. Could someone tell me how to nudge the dish east or west with a Traxis 3500 receiver while viewing the channel? I swear there was a way to do it when I first got the receiver, but I can't seem to remember how to get there except by going to the antenna setup and then I can't see what's going on. I'd appreciate any tips. The game has a few breakups for me tonight in the north Twin Cities metro. Thanks
  2. In the north Metro I have nothing.... as expected. I went out and brushed the snow from the dish, but looks like radio once again.
  3. I had a weak signal that was cutting out yesterday. Today I have poo once again. Bouncing between 34 and 44%, it's unwatchable. I can only assume that you guys with 70% signal have bigger dishes. Looks like I need to call DirectTV and subscribe.
  4. I have nothing (again) tonight too. This has been a season of frustration. I don't know if I need a better receiver or what, but what I have now is useless.
  5. Mine blind scanned in as 12064 V 4870. I tried manually adjusting to 12065, but it didn't help. I think it is just a weak signal tonight. Right now there are 2 channels of news feeds on the same satelite that are coming in beatifully. In fact one of them is bleeding over onto the channel that is supposed to have the Sioux. I'm just hoping they get a stronger signal for the next game. Every game came in great last year and the Sioux football game last week was fine too.
  6. Anyone having troublle with the Manitoba game tonight? I have signal quality in the 30s and the picture is broken up and unwatchable. I have spent the last 2 hours nudging the dish back and forth and trying slightly different tp frequencies. No luck.
  7. Brilliant plan by the Sioux to lose 2 games to inferior opponents just to keep the Gophers out of the NCAA tourney! It took 30 years, but this is payback for the 1979 title game loss. Take that Neil Broten!
  8. Zajac for Saturday
  9. VandeVelde
  10. Yep, did that, I got 74% on the dish channel. This is a major bummer.
  11. PSB, I'm getting the dish network channel just fine, but blind scan finds nothing. I tried +/- 5 on the freq and doing a tp scan, but can't get it. In the TP Scan menu I can see the quality bounce around at 11839 or 11840, but it's usually below 35%. I'm guessing I just can't get enough signal to hold picture. Any advice?
  12. I haven't had any audio problems tonight. Did it come back for you?
  13. Is anyone else having trouble getting FSSN on satelite? I've got no signal where it usually is.
  14. Charley Walters column in the Pioneer Press today had this rumor: "Add the New Jersey Devils among teams with rumored interest in trading for injured Wild star Marian Gaborik. A Wild-Devils deal likely would have to include New Jersey's Zach Parise, son of former North Star J.P. Parise." http://www.twincities.com/ci_11052699?IADI....twincities.com
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