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Everything posted by Twolt33

  1. Am I wrong to equate the X with the University of Minnesota? Again, it just seems to be an unfair advantage here when getting a regional host site. It is actually too bad for the Gophers and their fans, since they really have nothing to do with it and receive the brunt of our frustrations. They just get to enjoy the benefits. I don't expect Don or any fan to say it is not fair and want an investigation into it. Simply put, if the Western Regional was in G.F. every other year or more, you wouldn't hear it from me. Except to gloat about how much more the NCAA/WCHA wants us to win.
  2. True, but I have got to believe that at least one other city put in to host the Western Regional one of those 2 years.
  3. After seeing that Wisconsin leads the league in attendance, I don't think that would be an issue anymore.
  4. Remember things have changed since the days of the old Civic Center. More and more fans are willing and do travel to see their team play. So I don't want to compare days of the old to today.
  5. Would the Pepsi Center sell out in a Denver/CC final? Would the X sell out in a Alaska/Tech final? We could go round and round on this issue. Until it happens we will never know. I don't think it will ever happen because as we all know the NCAA/WCHA is more concerned about money than giving all teams an equal shot. When I see things like the Gophers hosting back to back regionals, it only adds fuel to my fire that the Gophers have been and always will be a NCAA/WCHA darling. Sorry, please don't respond and attack as it is my opinion and anything you say will not get me to believe otherwise. Oh, and it makes me want to punch people like Woog who say otherwise when the evidence is clearly there.
  6. You are right, the cost would probably go up. I am trying to look at it as an issue of fairness and for a few selfish reasons. One, I wouldn't be inundated with thousands of obnoxious Gopher fans (not all are obnoxious, but if it was held in another city, the real obnoxious ones probably wouldn't show up.) Secondly, as I said before if I have to shell out the $$$ then so should you (I mean you in general). Thirdly, if I can't show up and the Gophers make it to the championship game, believe you me, there will be a Gopher fan ready to scoop it up and it would be unfair to the opposing team when 80% of the crowd on supposedly "neutral" ice is cheering for the Gophers.
  7. A good reason for the arguement to rotate between Denver and Minneapolis.
  8. Then we should find out who has the largest arena, 2nd largest, and so on, in the country, and work out a lease agreement to host the Final Five there every year. This way we would maximize ticket revenue and travel is travel for all teams and fans involved.
  9. What is considered large enough?
  10. I won't argue with the centralized location issue. Also, with a rotating host site, other cities would have a piece of the revenue (hotels, restaurants etc...). I don't believe you would hear restaurant owners complaining in G.F. or Madison every year when the Final Five comes to town about all the money they are taking in. I wouldn't even mind seeing a alternating site approach. Minneapolis one year and Denver the next. Both cities could accomodate the teams and fans.
  11. Right, so if you can accomodate you should be able to host.
  12. I agree its my choice, but why can't I every few years not have too. Think about all of the hassles those in the cities don't have to go through. I don't think that any arena in the TC or elsewhere is so much better than the Ralph, that, Grand Forks (Madison, Denver etc..) should be considered a second class citizen when hosting. IMO, I wouldn't mind seeing a rotating host site for the final five (if you can accomodate the amount of teams and fans). This way you could visit all cities and arenas. Most of the issue here is as I see it....The golden child is being taken care of.
  13. It would be safe to assume that only Minneapolis/St. Paul put bids in for the next 2 regionals, since no one else got one.
  14. The problem I have is...why do I always have to chuck out the gas and hotel money for these games along with my whole weekend (don't forget about taking Friday off of work) for that matter while MN fans never have to. Furthermore, if it is an advantage, it might as well be home ice since that is what we usually refer to as the home ice advantage. Do the Gopher players have to stay in a travel and stay in a hotel room when playing at the X? If you can support the teams and the fans, you should be able to host. If the games were not at the X would there still be thousands of opposing fans cheering for the Gophers not just against? I am not trying to call you out here, I just think that an advantage is exactly that, an advantage, and why should it ALWAYS go to the Gophers?
  15. North Dakota, although I now live in Michigan. I miss college hockey. I really hate to drive all the way to Ann Arbor to see U-M play. If it wasn't for Fox sports north where I can catch most of the WCHA action, I would go crazy. I work the midnight shift and won't get off until 9 am your time. I have your numbers, I will call Jill in the morning to touch base. If that doesn't work, I will wait until you get off and try you after 7 pm your time.
  16. How much for 2 tickets?
  17. Please E-mail me at Twolt33@aol.com as to discuss the transfer of tickets. When and if you do please(if you don't mind) include you phone#, and I will call you, or I will reply with mine and you can call me.
  18. Twolt33

    WCHA Refs

  19. Twolt33

    WCHA Refs

    One reason the a "trap" style of defense usually doesn't work against the Gophers is because of the larger ice sheet. The same goes for almost any team on an Olympic size ice sheet. I wish the NHL would adopt the Olympic size ice for the same reason.
  20. You are absolutely correct. Things have changed recently. But as a percentage would you say(I hate to turn this into a UND vs. Gopher thing) more athletes that play for MN grew up idolizing them vs. UND players? Over the last 20 years which program has landed the most Mr. Hockey's? Also, if you read my last post. I answered the other comments but they are listed in the blue area. I am messed up when replying
  21. Again you are using 1 sentence as my whole arguement. How many ex-players stick around to live and work after their careers are over? G.F. as I said doesn't have much to offer young people. It has been 10 years since I left. After the flood anyone that had wanted to get out did. I will say otherwise you will attack me again for not including it. G.F. does have a lot to offer as you get older. If my job was possible in G.F. I would move back to raise my family. I am not saying it should be a selling point meaning the bars being open. Listen, I hung around a lot of the Sioux athletes. My cousin played Sioux hockey and my girlfriend was an athlete there also. They all enjoyed their time but, couldn't wait to get out. Back to the J-Par thread...my whole arguement was. That guys like him probably didn't grow up being a die hard Sioux fan who couldn't wait to put that jersey since he was 6. Why do you think MN landed every Mr. Hockey for a long time. They grew up Gopher fans mostly. So be careful when you go all out on an attack. You can't tell me Belfour was wearing Sioux apparel in grade school. I could cover my self on every point so as not to get shelled again but my time has run out.
  22. Yes, after 2001 our arena is the best bar none. Also we have more titles as I stated before because of our ability to recruit top talent given our "shortfalls". I lived in G.F. for 26 years and I lived in Duluth, Minneapolis and now near Detroit. G.F. is the ONLY place where the bars have last call at 12:30 and don't close until 1:00!!! Lets face it, for a young person G.F. isn't the most happening place. I know I didn't go into to much detail as I tried to keep it short. So because of our recruiting, UND for a small town and campus does more than compete with the NCAA all D-1 giants.
  23. Here is my $0.02. Most people have to keep this in mind when players leave early. UND unlike many of our neighbors(WCHA) recruits mostly outside talent(Canada). Yes, I know the past few years we have recruited local talent and teams like the Gophs are branching out. However, for the most part we have always recruited outside talent. That being said, most of these recruits don't grow up being Sioux fans. They are hockey players with one goal in mind. That goal being to reach a higher level than the one they are at. So I don't get to bent when a player leaves early like Zajac. Don't get me wrong. I would love for these guys to stay and dominate the league. However, he probably never seen the Sioux play until he came on a recruiting trip. So for a school like UND(small population, enrollment) to get the NHL talent we get it says volumes about the program. Thats what I love about UND hockey so much. We don't have all of the bells and whistles that WI, MN, MI and like have to offer to these guys. Yet, they still come here to play. To me its an honor and a priviledge to watch these guys play. Finally, to those that do stay for 4 years(ala Prpich) you can see and feel their deep appreciation for the traditon that is SIOUX HOCKEY!!!!!!!
  24. Here's another huge thanks for the threads. Prettiest goal.....Oshie against Michigan. He shot it through the d-mans legs and put it right in the top shelf.
  25. Well, this about my only second post. I work the midnights and I usually only have time to read most of the insightful posts Anyhoo, one of my all-time favorite players was Scotty Dub. For a couple of reasons. First of all, he was a local boy back when we mostly recuited out of state players. Secondly, he was a grinder and a scorer. Finally, he was always the last person off the ice and before he left the ice, he always took a slapshot from about the redline into the opponents net. For a young boy watching he was DA BOMB. Lee Davidson also was molded like Dub.
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