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Posts posted by bochamp

  1. Bottom line, Parise cost UND the game. Sioux ouplayed BC for the majority of the game,(even though Sioux played horrible in front of Parise at times) the Wooger said it best, he said hockey at playoff time should be called "goalie" If JP would have been in the proper position on the second goal (he got beat by the same shot 2 times in a row) He lost confidence ( which is THE MOST important part of a Goalies, and for that matter any sports positions ability to do well). Jordan was awesome against Michigan and HC, but when BC got that 2 goal lead he lost his confidence. He is a very good goalie, but if he had been able to stop a couple of goals that any WCHA goalie would find routine, I think the Sioux would have playing for a NT tonight. And they would have whupped those HOMOS from Crapison. Go anyone besides Becky Badger

    The fact of the matter is only the best make it to the NHL, and especialy goalies. If parise was NHL material he wouldnt have a weak game in the semi-finals, thats when NHL bownd players are at the top of their game.

  2. Irmen will have way more success at the NHL level that Prpich, mainly because Prpich will never see that level, but also because Irmen has much more skill. The numbers don't lie.

    UND didn't recruit Grant much at all, and Minnesota and Michigan State were the two finalists for him. Irmen was also recruited by UND but as a earlier poster said, Minnesota wanted him more.

    CC to the guy who said either one was wanted: if that's the case, Deano screwed up.

    You are for sure right, Prpich is not as skilled as Irmen. I was talking at the college level. Irmen is highly skilled and will move on, but if he is going to play like that he should be ready to fight. I was just saying atleast Prpich knows that someone will go after him at one point. I hope Irmen knows that because he wont get away with that every weekend. I guess I dont watch the gophers enough to know if he plays like that all the time. Maybe he was just doing the extra stuff because he was in GF.

  3. Irmen's a dirty player, as is Prpch, hopefully you read this whole statement cause it's like the third time I have to say it. I've never once exonerated Prphc's actions, but you refuse to admit the irmen comes in elbow high half the time, slashes, spears and other various crap both during play and after whistles. As for you, you mean nothing in the grand scheme of things, and I don't give a damn if your feelings are hurt. Don't feel bad though you are not alone. I also dislike the following teams, players ect., in no particular order. Denver, Minnesota, paukovich, any idiot fan from st. clown, of course irmen, and probably you, but don't feel special, you can't help it that you have no clue.

    You are right, both are dirty players. But prpich will back his rough play up with a fight anytime, anywhere. unlike Irmen. Irmen will be in for a rude awakening when he goes to the next level.

  4. Good point to everyone who says the refs favor GF. As a matter of fact, thats probably the reason that the GF schools have won 90% of the ND state titles. You guys should contact ESPN because Jeremy Schaap would love to do an Outside the Lines special on this large scale pro-GF corrupion. Hopefully they explain that the superior talent and coaching in GF has nothing to do with them winning.......

    WOW, you must have lost to GF teams your whole life. You seem pretty upset. How can you even say that GF kids dont have talent? What other town in ND has produced more successful hockey players? Im interested to know?

  5. Discussing the ref thing is really a can of worms. You hear it in other sports too -complaints about the local refs being biased and sometimes it is even against the local team. An administrator for the North Dakota Amateur Hockey Association did a study a few years ago and found that the worst place to be a home team was Fargo - in bantam hockey - because they had more calls against them there than at away games. Hard to interpret those results in a clear fashion. In addition, I had a number of Grand Forks people (parents, former players, various coaches) make negative comments about the calls made by a Grand Forks ref in a game involving an out of town high school team. There are refs in every town that should not be refs or at least should not work certain games. As I pointed out in an earlier post - the way to deal with this is to get refs that are not associated with a particular team. That can be hard to do because there is a limit on the number of refs but at least for EDC and State games it is important to get neutral refs.

    There has always been refs from different towns that do EDC and State. Maybe you should watch a tournament game.

  6. Enough bitchin about GF teams. Red River was the best team in the state last year, its a new year time to move on. Fargo should stcik to soccer and basketball, hockey just isnt in the cards.

  7. I have a good source that tells me they ref in favor of RR or Central. To all those fans that thing it doesn't happen you are so wrong because like I said I have a really good source. Brings out the questioned how many champs for the GF teams were actually won fairly in the past 10 years or so. Especially if LaDucer is on the ice as a zebra.

    Are you from Fargo? obviously.

  8. Red River is planning to wear there red jerseys for all home games if possible. I have spoke with one of the kids that plays for Red River since my son is friends with him. They aren't planning to wear their white jerseys from last year that much.

    Also, I thought the Red River/South game could have gone either way. South's forchecking just looked too strong for the Riders to get anything going. David Spies had a shot that bounced off the inside of the crossbar which would have tied the game up in the third. Another big difference in the game was Eric Meland's penalty with 4 minutes left in the game. The penalty he received for roughing was weak as the South player looked like he took a big dive to the ice and acted like he was hurt. Give credit to South for how physical they were in all ends of the ice which proved a big difference in the end.

    Red River was twice as physical as south was.

  9. The east is clearly stronger than the west again this year, but I think minot will do very well in state this year. Its very early, but they have a good team and they have choked one too may times at state. Im not saying they are going to win but i think they will do better then previous years. Red River is going to be very good this year, they always play teams tough defensively and make it hard for opponents to score. What do you guys think?

  10. I also attended the Fargo South-Red River game, and I'll agree with both assessments made on the game. It was a great high school hockey game that can probably be labeled as the most physical game that I've ever seen at Purpor arena (that includes the game last year when Vigen just destroyed a Central player). If you were moving, you got hit, thats simply the way it was.

    I still think that Galt should win Mr. Hockey after this game. Although Weisgarber looked good as well, Galt was probably the best player for South tonight. Whenever he has the puck in the offensive zone something happens, and his ability to get the puck to the net through traffic is amazing.... ;)

    PS: Weisgarber is one helluva backchecker as well. A very complete player.

    I went to the south-red river game as well. I have to agree with you wilbur, it was a great game. Looked almost like tournament time. Galt is a great player, but i dont think he is solid defensively. Red River had some new faces that suprised me.

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