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ND hockeyrr

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Posts posted by ND hockeyrr

  1. To any GF people who might suggest that South is classless to beat Wahpeton 26-0, I would like to remind you that Central beat West Fargo 20-0 back in the 1983-84 season. I realize that's six fewer goals, but still enough to suggest they were running the score up. It's just unfortunate that teams that far apart in talent are scheduled to play each other.

    Does anyone care about the 1983-84 win by Central. Way to know your stuff I guess.

  2. It is? Unless it is a message board for Solen High School or Stanton High School and no one bothered to let anyone else in on the gag, I think you are mistaken.

    A link to a REAL HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY MESSAGE BOARD can be found here.

    WOOOW! Great high school hockey message board. Too bad its not in use evey day. I aslo like how cheap looking it looks compared to www.siouxsports.com.

  3. thanks crosby 87 for sounding stupid. it will help me sleep tonight. you said look what he does for his team. i must not have checked any sources before saying anything. well just for you i checked and rechecked crosby and his teammates and his team record. the record sure does not relate to how you say he helps them, and thats with the talented players they have on their team. like i said before, i know he is really good but im not going to bend over, like you are, to him just because he is the alleged NEXT ONE.

    Take your Sidney Crosby talk somewhere else. No one cares here. This is a high school hockey message board not lets talk about Sidney Crosby when no one even has talked about him on this message board. You should really think about what you are going to type before you start to for the first time.

  4. I've heard from a better source that the rumor is false. It would be a great place to play hockey, however. If he could get picked up by a junior A team it would be an easier move than transferring to Red River.

    Yes that is what I mean. I made a mistake by not clarifying what I meant. If he doesn't go and play juniors next year he might come and play for Red River. Fargo North doesn't look like they will be any better next year from what I have seen. I don't know what choice his parents would make though.

  5. It is easier to transfer within the same school district than to transfer to another community due to various residence requirements - parental employment, primary residence, etc. It is highly unlikely that a player will transfer from one community to another. Nick Krebsbach transferred from Minot to Grand Forks Red River a few years back but I believe his dad had previously owned a property in Grand Forks that made the transfer work. In the case of Danny Irmen moving from North to Red River his dad rented an apartment in GF, they sold their home in Fargo and his mom moved into a condo in Fargo. I highly doubt that you will see a transfer between towns because of the NDHSAA rules that make it difficult. In summary, I assume it would be possible for Alex Simonson but very very difficult for Tyler Klein because of those rules. Anyone else have a handle on those transfer rules? They might be on the NDHSAA site.

    I was told from a good source that knows Tyler Klein that if he doesn't go anywhere for hockey, he is going to transfer for to RR. I am just saying what I have been told, and yes it would be really hard for him to transfer from a differnt town.

  6. I missed the highlights of the game, but I heard that Marc Mihulka used a mythical move, one only heard about in stories of hockey games past. Called the Stop-O-Razi, Mihulka came down on a breakaway, deked one way, came to a complete stop, waited for the goalie to slide out of position, then calmly pushed the puck into the net. Anyone who has seen or been a receiver of the Stop-O-Razi know it is quite impossible to stop. Mihulka is definately one of the most talented players in the state, said by some to be less than a god, but more than a man. I know one thing for sure, I wouldn't want to be on the business end of a Stop-O-Razi.

    I witnessed that move by Mihulka and it was something else. I don't know many people who would try to pull that off in a game. He made it look easy by just tapping the puck into the net and then performing a somewhat cocky celebration. But what can you say he did have 5 points on 5 goals inlcuding a hat trick. West Fargo looked like they couldn't handle Red River.

  7. Sorry guys, I just couldn't stay out of this one. I think WF is a great team.

    You say that WF is a great team. I don't know about that one. We will see how great they are come Saturday night. RR played bad against Crookston, they will be ready for sure. I agree with soohockey15 RR in a blowout.

  8. That would be my question as well.

    Whatever the definition, it is total speculation as to where these kids will end up. I would say that it is far too early to make that kind of determination. I could provide a number of things that each kid needs to work on, to move up in the world of hockey, based on what I have seen from them so far this year but I don't think that is a good thing to do on a message board. They are in a good program and have excellent coaching, especially with Mark Bry - a former Mr. Hockey and Junior "A" defenseman. If they have the work ethic and improve they should have a future beyond high school hockey.

    I happend to know both of these 2 players and they both are very hard-workers. They love the game of hockey. They are both very athletic aswell. As time goes on they will both become bigger and stronger. I think they both have a legit chance at playing with a good Junior A team.

  9. You honestly think LaDoucer will be good enough to go play juniors after only his sophmore year, maybe some joke junior B team but nothing more. LaDoucer is a decent defensemen but not that good. Personally I think Galbreath is the better of the two. And also, GPR's top line and South's top line are by far the best in the state. If the Mihulka line is third best, they are aways behind the top two.


    Both Ladouceur and Galbreath show great potential in the upcoming years. The GPR and Fargo South top lines are two of the best in the state, but you have to put Mihulkas line up there too. I was at the RR/FS game and they looked very evenly matched. Souths top line didn't score once on RR's.

  10. RR does not have their Home jerseys in yet...

    As far as the game.. Props to RedRiver for stayin with South like they did. Regardless of the outcome, I still think Fargo was clearly a better team that either had a somewhat sluggish night or played to the level of their opponent.

    ... an how bout the Knights? is there any chance for our boys to turn over a new leaf in time to score big points in the East? :glare:

    Red River is planning to wear there red jerseys for all home games if possible. I have spoke with one of the kids that plays for Red River since my son is friends with him. They aren't planning to wear their white jerseys from last year that much.

    Also, I thought the Red River/South game could have gone either way. South's forchecking just looked too strong for the Riders to get anything going. David Spies had a shot that bounced off the inside of the crossbar which would have tied the game up in the third. Another big difference in the game was Eric Meland's penalty with 4 minutes left in the game. The penalty he received for roughing was weak as the South player looked like he took a big dive to the ice and acted like he was hurt. Give credit to South for how physical they were in all ends of the ice which proved a big difference in the end.

  11. Nowhere in the rule book does it state any such "3 step" rule. What we have here is a Red River fan or player (thus the RR at the end of his name) stating fictional rules to support his team.

    Its not a fictional rule, but okay done arguing, and yes I am a Red River fan I'm just mad how someone can say that RR struggled with Shanely when they beat them 8-3 and 1 of the goals shouldn't have counted. It was the first game for RR, they played pretty damn good.

  12. Both GF teams Struggle with Shanely.

    -Central loses in O.T I knew they'd be down but ouch!

    -Red river surrenders 34 shots and 3 goals.

    Looks like another all GF final agian this year.

    If you would have been at the game watching you would have clearly seen that two of Shanley's goals should not have been counted. Shanley's first goal was scored by Mark Harrie who scored on a penalty shot which was called when a Red River defender took him down while skating a step behind him and the defender was beat by the speed of Harrie so he took Harrie down trying to prevent him from getting a shot off. The third goal didn't even go into the net as the puck dropped straight down and the net was pushed off of its pegs. Anyways if the puck did go in the net, the net was pushed to the right of Red River's goaltender where the goal took place.

    May I also add that Central beat the top team in the west Minot 2-1 on a late goal by Simonson.

  13. Red Rivers first line was pretty good saturday

    milhulka melland and spies, milhulka flat out dominated the game, he was just to over powering he had 1 goal and 4 assists, it was against shanely, but i thought they looked good for being there first game, may I add that galbreath and ladouceur had a good game

    Who is on the first line of grafton?

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