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  1. you all don't know jack sh*t about anything outside of hockey or racist fighting sioux jargon. you spit the same things back at me that I already did at you. How mature. Let's go back and forth all day like 3rd graders (aka fighting sioux alumni). make some valid counter points or at least recognize my points and I will afford you all the same courtesy. Bottom lline...UND is not in the top 100 overall in terms of licensing revenue. It's great that you all see random sioux shirts across the country...like every other school does...but UND is not in the big leagues with the top programs. Can't we all just get along!!!
  2. come back at me with my own argument that put the brakes on what you were saying...very original. I love the fact that you mispelled BRONCOS...and that you live so close to it yet you still have the narrowminded north dakota mentality that you do not know what is beyond the limits of the city you reside in. Sorry I keep smoking you...just admit that you do not know all and be open to new truths and ideas...it will help you mature!!!
  3. Again...you are citing isolate incidents. The old saying birds of a feather flock together. I see all types of merchandise from my alma matter, but also several of my friends and people that I've met through my school's alumni association and suprise we all have stuff from our school and say go broncos and other things. The point that was being made that you missed is while i can buy stuff from any podunk school like UND on the net. It would be save to say that the majority of the revenue that UND makes off of licensing and merchandise sales comes from items purchased within the state of N. Dakota. This is not to say that people do not order it that like in chicago like you, because the bookstore and englestad pro shop do ship items.
  4. I disagree. If you have been calling your neighbor a jacka$$ for 50 years, is that a tradition or a wrong that needs to be made right? That is exactly what the fighting sioux name is...a wrong that all the white UND and narrow-minded so-called hockey fans claim is a tradition. UND could have dropped the fighting from the name but they did not. Get with the times and just change the name. The rivalry will still be the same as long as the quality of athletes and the class of the fans remains the same.
  5. I understand how cool it is for UND to be on any list like that. I also want them to be comparing apples to apples. Montana and JMU do not have Division I hockey, so again you are comparing apples to pumpkins. You never see UND outside of the State of north dakota, except in isolated instances in the twin cities when a stray sioux hockey fan is wandering about. What UND does have is something that almost no other school in the country has...That us the Siuox and the Bison run the state in terms of fan interest. This greatly aids merchandise sales. For example at northwestern, they are in chicago but are competing for the fans dollars with Illinois, depaul, ill-chicago, notre dame, 5 professional teams, and several minor league teams. UND does not have that issue. So way to go on selling merchandise in your state.
  6. Mother's navajo from arizona, pops is bi-racial from detroit...make me a little of everything.
  7. North Dakota is known across the country for it's racial diversity. when I was up there you could count the number of black and native american student athletes and student with your fingers. It was a joke. Racism is not something that always smacks you in the face...it is conversations that go on at bars and board rooms all over grand forks. how many native americans work in the UND athletic department. Where are the opportunities that are being created for them on campus? Cultural heritage and people going to college will not change because some hockey fans have to call their team something else. Being part of the Sioux nation is something more sacred than a stupid sports fan or UND alum will ever understand.
  8. A UND fan with Kracker in his name...North Dakota ='s racist white people with nothing to do. The Sioux head logo on the hockey jersey was not even designed by a member of the Sioux Tribe. The name belongs with the Sioux people, not a bunch of crazy white people. College athletics today is not about honor, courage, tradition, it is about making money for UND and a bridge to the NHL for the hockey players. Call them the Turd Sandwiches or the IwishwewereteBISON and UND fans will still pack the arena and buy all the merchandise..because Minneapolis is 5 hours away and Winnipeg no longer has any top pro teams. You all just want a team to be associated with.
  9. Sprig...you are just a fricking parrot. Sioux fan wanna cracker?!!?? You just pointed out what 2 other people did to me before you. To you other 2, I was attempting to enlighten you ignorant Sioux fans to what the real world outside of North Dakota (which is trapped in the 1950's still) is like. In regards to the "basketball" schools that UND is ahead of: NC State is transitioning over to another licensing company and has revenue posted with 2 companies that is more than UND will make in 5 years. Secondly, other than UTEP, schools like St. John and Marquette do not have football or hockey at all. So you are comparing a school with one sport versus a school with 3 sports. You can come back with UND is division 2 in all sports except for hockey, that is just becuase the do not have any balls like NDSU to go to division 1 to rumble with the big boys because tthey will get squashed like a bug. I saw the score from the Kansas basketball game a couple of years ago. P.S. Change the name too. At least drop the fighting from it. Florida State is not the Fighting Seminoles, that would be offensive to native americans like myself.
  10. before you all go patting yourselves on the back about UND bing 53rd in the CLC rankings, please take note that this does not include every NCAA school. Schools like USC, UCLA, Minnesota, michigan ST. Ohio State, Iowa, just to name a few are not included on the list because they are independant and this also does not include the schools represented by other agencies like Arizona State, Texas A& M, DePaul, etc. So in reality, the Sioux are not even in the top 100 in terms or merchandise sales for colleges. sorry to rain on your parade, but the truth is what it is...
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