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  1. Worked great for me today. Saturday lower bowl.
  2. So lame. There goes 2.5 hours this weekend and who knows how long next weekend. Great new system.
  3. Due to technical difficulties the Students Men's Hockey on sale has been rescheduled to next Sunday September 24th at 1:00PM CDT. We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your continued patience! Schedule of sales is as follows: - 1:00pm Seniors - 1:30pm Juniors - 2:00pm Sophomores - 2:30pm Freshman
  4. I cant log in either
  5. On the page where you normally select Sat or Fri I no longer have anything to select.
  6. Almost 3:00, let the fun begin...again.
  7. And really how many push backs before we give up?
  8. They're making it harder than it needs to be. All they need to do is allow us to camp out again. Problem solved.
  9. And we broke it again... "We're sorry, but due to the large number of users buying tickets at this time, the system is temporarily unavailable. Please try again in a few minutes."
  10. "The page cannot be found. For the Ticketmaster website, please click on this link. "
  11. I can get to the enter your credit card phase then it craps out on me again. Very frustrating.
  12. LOL
  13. Same here.
  14. Still not working for me.
  15. I give it 3 minutes tops.
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