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Well, you live here long enough and you see enough people hurt you start to take sides. Trust me, I have more important things to do, but at this time and place my time is devoted to defending the rights of my people. So be it. We're almost there.
Believe what you want.
Believe it or not people come to school here to get an EDUCATION and could care less about the sports teams. Actually, this happens at many institutions. Again, one more ignorant person. Before you type away you should do your history, and I don't mean asking the guy next to you at the bar. If you only did your research, you would have seen that all but 2 programs related to American Indian students actually PAY to be on campus. If you only did your research, you would have found UND does not even mentions FS anywhere when they recruit Native Americans. If you only did your research, you would see that there isn't ONE Sioux tribe that is behind UND's use of the name. I know PCM says otherwise, but when we were in Bismarck a couple weeks ago the Chairwoman of Spirit Lake AND the Chairman of Standing Rock both affirmed that their tribes have not changed their stance, I directly heard it from them. So use that ignorant comment. It only shows that you have negative feelings about the people you claim to "honor."
What are passwords? passwords are used to KEEP people out. Wow, can you all believe there are people out there stupid enough to use their account names for their password? A person might as well leave their door WIDE open for the world to walk in. Wow, talk about cracking cases and detective work, eh? As for ip addresses, yeah, I know all about them, I also have "physically threatening" pm's that were intercepted (that when I posted them here mysteriously dissappeared, again), by individuals that constantly attack me. I wonder which one would be seen as more of a threat? So either walk your talk or walk away like the UND mumbling sioux fans did last night.
Just a little FYI.....as a matter of fact I DO hunt buffalo, and elk, and deer, and my freezer is full of meat. And as soon as it thaws around here I will be tanning that hide, in the traditional ways my people for generations before me have.
When the name change is eventually forced on this campus, I hope you take heed to your own words. I have nothing better to do.....hmmm, I say standing up for my rights and the rights of the Sioux Nation is pretty important. I only stood out there for a couple hours, you probably spent more getting ready for the game, parking, attending the game, and leaving. I would consider that a greater waste of time.
Do you know me? Were you there last night? I don't think so, so I suggest you step off, because you don't even know the half of it. Instead of looking at the evidence I have of abuse, you instead take this time to attack me, again.
You call it violence, but I will do what is necessary to defend myself, even to cowards. The sad part about the whole ordeal was the children that heard everything going on, on both sides.
Exactly. You DIDN'T hear what he said. So how can you judge what was going on? It's cool though, I have it all on video tape. An hour of fingers, racists comments, threats. I'm sure Myles will find this real interesting. Thanks UND for solidifying the ignorance and "true feelings" you have towards Native people.
Actually I DO ride horses, and I DO sleep in tipis. and I DO speak my language, and I DO practice my Lakota way of life. Why must being an american mean giving up who I am? Instead of attacking me, why not explain the whole leprechaun/viking thing to me.
That's a good question. I, and this is the truth, didn't know this problem even existed until I step foot on campus. Do you think UND promotes this FS crap in ANY Native publications? No. And do you think that 8 hours southwest of here anyone gives a rip about Hockey? No, again. If I could do it again, I wouldn't be here. I say this because I wanted the entire College experience. I wanted to root for my team, I wanted to attend games and tailgate, but do you think that'll happen here? Not on your life. The level of education I have received on campus has been excellent. I have met many wonderful people. And like the pins I made last year state: "UND a great school, plagued by a racist name" Its only a matter of time before we bring this to an end, though. I can guarantee that it will get worse before it gets better, but change is always difficult. But do you think that UND will be "less" of a team when the name changes? I don't
I would think anything better could come from you. Now you are comparing my people to animals. That's intelligent.
But that's the problem. We aren't "history", we are here in the living presence. We are still defending who we are, we are still Sioux. I am so tired of hearing about the Vikings. Are you a Viking? Have you spent the last 2 years on a boat, burning and pillaging villages? No. I don't know of one Viking, anywhere. I don't know of anyone who wears the Viking horn hat anymore. But we, the Sioux, still practice our culture, the way it was don't 1000's of year before, we still sing the songs our ancestors did. And we are still fighters. I, like many of my Sioux relatives, have picked up a weapon, loaded munitions onto aircraft, or gave the ultimate sacrifice for this county. Yes, countless others have also, but I'm just saying that Fighting Sioux People still live today. Show me a true Viking. Show me a true Leprechaun. Then we we can discuss this in greater detail.
B? I thought her name started with....well anyways......I'm sure you can find more than just one letter to complain about.
That's just too much information. I never left, but just because I don't respond doesn't mean I'm not here.