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Reggie Dunlap

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Everything posted by Reggie Dunlap

  1. How bout' something like the "RED LIGHT MAFIA", we could get some cool t-shirts made up with the three of them side by side holding their sticks like shotguns with a red light flashing in the background with a few pucks floating around, or maybe the same picture with a caption like "YOU ARE NOW ENTERING THE RED LIGHT DISTRICT, CAUTION IS ADVISED". Just spit-ballin', let me know what u think.
  2. Andy Schneider's quote sums up what it must be like to be a UND hockey player(pride, tradition, championships, etc.) but I think it extends to UND fans, like me, as well. For instance, as we were leaving the Xcel on Sat. after the sioux beat the gophers, we started jawin' with a group of gopher fans( which included that radio geek "doobie") about the game, some of thier comments were "It didn't mean anything" , "Wow, big deal 3rd place" and "When's the last time you won a nat'l championship" or group responded with, "ask the players if it means anything", "lose two and BBQ, you must be proud" and "when's the last time you won SEVEN!!!". So when I read Andy's quote I thought that it spoke for all the UND NATION. "Look out tonight for the 'LUNCH BUCKET LINE' they punch in for work at 7pm"
  3. Last night shortly after the Sioux beat Alaska 4-2 me and a few buddies were hanging out by our seats just waiting for the rush out of the ralph to die down a little when we were pointed at by an usher and summoned to come down to talk to her. We were told by her that an older couple that had been sitting in front of us had complained to her that, get this , we were "to loud and rowdy" and that they either wanted to be moved to other seats or that we be moved or kicked out!! I remember seeing this couple give us a few looks during the game but all we were doing was cheering and chanting along with the game's action. We might have been a little louder than most of the others around us but it wasn't close to being rude, in fact, I can honestly say we didn't chant or holler anything obscene or vulgar towards anyone. So what's going on at the ralph when a group is basically told they will be "moved or kicked out" for being "too LOUD" at a div. 1 college hockey game, I was so PO'd I had to walk away from the usher before I really got in trouble. Who's taking over this rink anyway, it sure isnt the real fan who goes cuz he loves UND hockey, I swear half the crowd doesn't even stand up when the sioux score a goal, I'de like to remind them that this ain't no opera!! I'm done venting but would like some feedback on what u think about the atmosphere in "THE RALPH". GO SIOUX
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