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Everything posted by FightingSioux

  1. Section 310 Row F seats 13-16. $35 per ticket. Send me a PM on this site .
  2. Unfortunately, the piece of crap rodents will make the NCAA tourney and yes playing at Mariaucci arena gives them an advantage no matter who they play. However, after Wisconsin, they have a very easy schedule. If they lose to Wisconsin, regardless how they do the rest of the season should see them fall in the Pairwise because of their weak schedule. Which means at least one quality opponent should be slated for the regional at Mariaucci making it not as easy for them to make it to the frozen four. Wisconsin should climb in the pairwise if they continue to win at their current rate because of the quality opponents they play. A sweep by Tech the last weekend of the season would be ohhhh so sweet. Of course, this will all be a mute point when the Sioux get it going and march towards number 8.
  3. Is anyone having success with the satellite broadcast tonight?
  4. Just got home and turned on the game. Signal is terrible, the game is unwatchable. Wasn't home to watch last weekend, so can't comment on the Duluth series.
  5. Has anybody else's reception gone to the crapper. I had 36% with good picture until the dropped the puck. Now it's down to 31% and unwatchable. I have a Satwork 3618 installed by Psb. I have had success with all the football games, but terrible luck for hockey. Is it time to invest in another system? At least the audio through the internet is working tonight.
  6. Has anybody heard how the reception has been at Senser's this fall?
  7. The satellite situation is very frustrating this year. Once again, this weekend it fails to meet expectations. Friday night the hockey game was watchable to the end of the first period with occassional wiping off the rain on the dish and LNB. Saturday afternoon the football game reception was fantastic (which I am thankful for). The hockey game was good until the start of the second period. By the middle of the second period it was unwatchable. How can we get UND to step up and make the satellite signal viewable for all games?
  8. Mine went unwatchable with about 3 minutes left in the first of Saturday's game.
  9. I live in Maple Grove, MN. I am having no luck at all tonight, except when I first turned the dish on at 7:15 and had the Sioux logo. I have a Satwork ST3618 system. I didn't get the Manitoba game, the football game came in but was dicey towards the end of the game. I was in GF for the rodent series, so this is the first time since the Manitoba game I am trying my system for hockey. I didn't have this problem last year. I have done numerous scans, resetting the system, blind scanning, entering coordinates. At times when I do a blind scan it locks on 11998 and 4882 V but when looking to lock it says No Channel. I have run out of ideas. Any additional ideas. CCTV works just fine.
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