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Posts posted by R_Griggs

  1. When you do say it every year its bound to come true. Like last year.

    It was said the year before last year. It didn't come true. It also "brought a smile to my face remembering" that line that year.

    It'll probably be said again this year. Probably won't come true.

    Sorry guys, I just couldn't stay out of this one.... Cratter why don't you go pout some-where else, your team lost get over it and learn some humility.

  2. This can be fixed easily. I will check with the site administrator and reference the posts. He/she can see if the identities in the registration database match the posts. If not, the "phony" user can be banned. If the identities match then the posts stand and the poster is not banned.


  3. I would say that you are just a touch biased since you are a West Fargo coach. West Fargo has a snowball's chance in hell of finishing ahead of Grafton and GF Central. West Fargo will be battling Shanley, Jamestown and Wahpeton for the lower half. Ryan Griggs really should not talk about the "mental strength" of the north side since every North end A team was horrible last year.

    skateshattrick, you just showed us you have no class. I know i'm not the best coach in the state but i am one of the best, also north has always had a great track record of having nice student athletes.

    I would have to agree with Capouch on how the teams will end up. Shanley could have a tough time beating whapeton though. If anybody knows the probable starters for shanley please post them.

  4. You are obviously not hearing me. My initial premise was, and still is, that South is loaded with talent. They had great talent last year, and they should be even better this year and next year. In my opinion, South is much deeper and more talented than Red River, probably the next most talented team. Central has Marto, but not much else. Grafton has the Campbell cousins, but not much else. My point is that if Wilson does not win with this group, there is something wrong. I know Dean well, I like him and respect him, and I think that he is a good coach. However, his teams have underachieved. He has to take some of the blame because of the style of play that he has used in the past. He even played dump-and-chase when he had Askew and Hunter, one of the most talented groups ever to come out of Fargo. Last year, he did get away from that some, which is probably a reflection of the talent.

    South and Shanley are not even comparable. Shanley only had a few kids that would have even skated varsity for South last year. It will be worse this year because the vast majority of the Flyer and Raider kids are going to South and North. Yet, despite that lack of talent, Shanley almost beat South last year in Regionals despite several very questionable calls. Frank Burggraf has coached teams (Puckhogs) that did very well in Minnesota tournaments. Ask some of his former players like Tyler McGurra (former South player) and Tanner Anderson (former Flyer and West Fargo player) what they think of Frank's coaching. Tyler is at the Burggraf camp now getting ready for Harvard next year. Additionally, Tim Graveline was a former Flyer coach of Askew, Hunter etc. that lost one game as Flyer squirts. I'm sure you were not aware of that.

    Tim Graveline and Frank Burggraf are great coaches and know a lot more about hockey than most around here. Dean played football at UND, not hockey. Frank and his brother played for UND and won 2 national championships. His mom, Nancy, developed the skating program that is still used at UND. Ask Dean Blais if they know what they are doing. Tim played college hockey for NDSU and his brother played for Wisconsin. With all due respect, if you give them the talent that is at South, they would win easily.

    If you want to praise Dean Wilson, fine. I have no problem with that. However, do not criticize Frank and Tim when you know nothing about them and your opinions and judgment are clouded by the fact that you bleed Fargo South colors and you have no objectivity. :p

    I had to get into this discussion. I've had the honor to watch the metro teams the last few years. Burgraffs have always had good skating players, that's where it ends. Mentally they just aren't the best. Here on the North side we focus more on the mental aspect of hockey. I coach bantams and i love it. It's not worth winning if your can't win big.

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