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  1. I live in Cheyenne, WY...about 90 miles north of Denver. Lots of places to eat and hang out in Denver...especially great if you are a microbrew fan. Check out this site for a nice summary of bars and hotspots: http://www.denversbestbars.com/Index/Denver_bars_index.html I had my 30th BDay party at Wynkoop and had a blast. Also be sure to check out LoDo...tends to be the more college/just out of college crowd. Dave
  2. Heading for the Springs now!!!!!!! See everyone there!
  3. While their goalie did play exceptionally well during their tournamnet, it is important to note that he only allowed 1 goal in three games against opponents that are a combined 29-58-17. It will be interesting to see how he stands up against the attack of the Sioux. Should be an exciting game!!! GO SIOUX!
  4. Thanks for the advice!!!
  5. This may not be the right place to ask this question, but, I was looking at Sioxshop.com and noticed that they had Satellite systems for sale to receive Sioux Sports broadcasts. I guess I have been living under a rock or something, but does anyone have this and if so, what can you tell me about it....likes, dislikes, etc... I would love to put this in my new theater room and get Sioux hockey during the season... Dave
  6. If you look on the alumni association website, it says Party Details coming soon....hmmmm....hope soon is REALLY soon!! LOL
  7. Sweet...Carrabba's it is!!!! Thanks for the advice. Will have to check out the park on Saturday.
  8. thats funny.. i was the one bidding against you for a bit, but not the one who drove the price up on you.. i found others so stopped bidding on that one... IF ANYONE NEED TIX FOR THE WEEKEND I HAVE A CONTACT THAT HAS A COUPLE OF GREAT SEATS FOR ALL GAMES.. JUST LET ME KNOW ASAP ryanasu@earthlink.net hope to see everyone there in colorado!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. My first post on the boards!!!!! Both my wife and I will be making the treck down from Cheyenne, WY. And, as luck would have it, I won a bidding war on my tickets on EBAY. Paid a bit over face but we will be sitting in the front row...it is worth it!! My wife actually doesnt have a jersey so she is having one overnighted from the Forks!! LOL If tickets are still sparse...I know that ticketswest has changed there price levels to reflect the low availability...there are still some for sale on EBAY....just a thought!! I hope we have a great turnout...I have gone to one game of the UND-Denver series each of the last two years and it is a trip...there are almost as many Sioux fans as there are Denver fans....it is especially evident in the National Anthem...*ahem*.... Hope to see you all there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO SIOUX!!
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