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Mark R. Schneider

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Everything posted by Mark R. Schneider

  1. I still have two tickets for Saturday night section 107 row P seats 10–13 $40 apiece or best offer
  2. Yes I still have two tickets for Saturday night only
  3. Yes I still have two tickets for Saturday night only
  4. Yes contact me at 701-739-3983 text or phone
  5. I have four tickets for sale section 107 row P seats 10 through 13 both Friday and Saturday $45 a piece OBO
  6. Looking for two tickets for tonight 150 or less
  7. Selling 2 Saturday night tickets in section 107 row P seats 10 and 11 for $150 apiece Best to text or call me at 701-739-3983
  8. I have two tickets for Saturday night section 107 row P seats 10 and 11 on October 21 Saturday night these are in the lower bowl on the end where UND shoots twice. $200/ A piece OBO Best to text me at 701-739-3983
  9. Two tickets for Friday night 25/ A piece section 107
  10. Still have two tickets for Friday night for $35 section 107 Best to text or call me at 701-739-3983
  11. I am new to this venue best to text me 71739-3983
  12. I have 4 tickets for both games against St. Lawrence. $35/apiece OBO.Sec. 107-row P -seats 10-13
  13. $40 a piece 2 tickets Suite 209 OBO
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