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Everything posted by siouxperman2015

  1. Yes. I posted a photo of Dallas Kopp. He is my Hero. I was actually at UND playing guys so I got nothing........ I forgot these boards were full of the same guys who steal decals.......ITS ONE OF YOU I KNOW IT......HAHAHA.....Hi buddy...please. give it up..
  2. Your right. Buy one from Scheels. Don't steal from the Program.
  3. I suppose all of you commenting are from the school. If I wouldn't have gotten injured in 8th Grade Football I would have been an All American at UND. HA Equipment guys get Paid. Right? Right? Go cry to someone else. Save your Tears for me I get thirsty playing.
  4. So a guy I know works with an old equipment guy and he his driving around Fargo with a UND helmet Decal on his vehicle. This Dude washed Jock Straps and drives around thinking he is something. I remember Dallas Kopp telling guys if you want a Decal on your vehicle you have to earn it. He doesn't hand them out. This dude stole a bunch probably and thinks its no big deal. He thinks he's cool he's not. This is ridiculous. It used to be an honor to take your Decals off your helmet and put them on your vehicle after you had finished your redshirt year. It meant you had made it. It meant you EARNED IT. I talked to my buddy he said the dude is a pathetic loser don't worry about it. but it is Bullcrap. Taking credit for something you didn't earn is pathetic just had to say it. Also I work out and run into guys. If you played 5 minutes for a UND you didn't really play, if you walked on and got cut, if you played a few games got cut you didn't really play if you washed jock straps you didn't really play so BE A MAN and acknowledge that you suck at life and don't tell me who was there for 5 years your sob story you suck move on. Its a tough world kid. Just Saying. Does anyone else know about this kind of bull. It may be time to send some redshirts to ReClaim that Decal. Dallas Kopp wouldn't stand for this.
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