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Sioux-per Villain

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Posts posted by Sioux-per Villain

  1. Not to mention that every team we played against this year (with the exception of Mankato), had better goaltending than us.

    We have three problems. Either our talent is not working to their potential, the talent wasn't there to begin with (right now it's certainly no better than anyone elses), or our coaching is poor in that they can't motivate our players to perform.

  2. In the post game interview with Hackstool, TH asked him "what's going on?" and DH replied, "I don't know". Then he said they need to get some breaks. So we have a team with a ton of talent (which I'm not convinced of), we can't win games at home against unranked teams, our coach doesn't know why, and his strategy is to hope for some breaks......hmmm

    I for one would not want to rely on a vision like that in sports, in a profession, or in life.

  3. After Blais won in 1997 and then had very disappointing tournament disappearances in '98 and '99, I remember Hennessey and O'Kiefe comparing Blais with Gasparini. Tim H. said he thought Gasparini was more likely to win a championship with a favored team, while Blais did better with an underrated one. I don't know where that fits in this discussion, but I think it is interesting to see how coaches are always held up to their predecessors. I do agree that Hakstol's challenges and those Blais faced with older, more experienced players were different enough to make a fair comparison difficult. I think Hak has proven in the last two years that he is a top-notch coach. I will say that Blais seemed to bring a more wide-open style of play to the ice that might have benefitted from recent rules changes more than Hak's style does. But in Blais' last years, it seemed like the tournament spoils were going to tight-checking, defense-oriented teams who could win low-scoring games.

    Maybe the facts don't support those comments about controlled vs. wide-open styles, but it seemed that way. Somehow, Blais could lose a shootout and the fans would still go away halfway happy about all the offense they saw. Scoring two goals and losing is rarely entertaining.

    I like Hak. I think he will get there.

    I think hack is more of a combination of the two, he's more unlikely to win a championship with both favored and underrated teams.

  4. If the Sioux play like they did last Friday, Wisconsin's scoring woes will be reversed. With a porous defense and swiss-cheese like goaltending, we cannot afford to take stupid penalties or Wisconsin will be tied with UND in the WCHA standings come Sunday morning.

  5. I just saw the newest poll and Minnesota is still ranked #1, what that makes no sense. They tie and barely beat a unranked team and they retain the # 1 position. Someone please explain. This truly makes no sense. But if I had to venture a guess I would say it is jsut becasue they are Minnesota. That really is the only explanation.

    Mn is the clear choice for #1 until somebody comes along that can beat them. By the end of 2006, they'll have only one loss (which was of course, their first game of the season) and 15+ wins.

    Their next test will come in January when I'm hoping their slide begins.

  6. Brad Miller needs to hit the weights...period. He looks to have great skill with the puck but unless he becomes considerably stronger on his skates, he'll continue to be ineffective against top teams in the WCHA.

  7. Oshie and Toews are just as good if not better than they were last year (even with the injuries). The problem right now is that the rest of the team is not helping them out. We now all can clearly see how valuable Zajac, Stafford and Sparky were to this team. If we get production from the players we expect it from down the stretch, we'll be OK.

  8. Why can't we expect to win 2-1 games against AAU?? They traditionally have been one of the lowest scoring teams in the league, and that is typically how you beat them. This year, they scored only 2 or 3 against MSUM, Wisconsin and Tech. Plus, the Sioux have traditionally been a team that wins with defense. If we continue to give up goals against weak competition like MSUM (4 and 5) and AAU (6 and 4), we will be in serious trouble when we play teams with more offense like UM and DU. Whether it is goaltending, the defense, or the forwards not taking care of the defensive zone, UND needs to right that ship soon.

    Why? We're suppose to have all this high-powered talent for Gods Sake! AA has played 5 series so far this year. They gave up (goals) a series low of the year against the #3 team in the nation (4 goals). (tied with WI who has no offense) M.Tech scored 14 against them.

    Don't you think we should have scored more than 4 goals against a team like AA or should they be ranked in the top 10? I can see us losing a game to AA 2-1, but if that were to happen, we should have had 45 shots on goal not 30.

    We're seeing how important guys like Travis Zajac and Drew Stafford were to this team's offensive depth. Right now we do not have any scoring depth on our lines. That has to improve significantly for guys like Oshie and Toews to avoid the sophomore slump. I know we can turn it around but it hurts losing games we should win. That greatly reduces our chances of winning a WCHA title.

  9. As opposed to? He's a scholarship player...he's not going to get cut...making a roster spot? Sometimes I don't understand people. Now while he may not get playing time, it's not like they are going to pull his schollie because he's not scoring enough.

    I was being fecitious :silly:

  10. So because he is a teenager he deserves to be able to play worse then everyone else? I'm missing the logic of why he should play just because he is 17. Age shouldn't have anything to do with it. The best player should play flat out.

    I'm not defending any of our goaltenders. Quick frankly, they all kinda suck right now. My point is simply that we can't blame either of these losses on goaltending. I highly doubt that we should be banking on beating a team like AA by a margin of 2-1.

  11. We didn't get swept by AA because of our goaltending. We lost because our defense sucks and we can't score....period!

    With the supposed fire power on this team, we should be averaging 4 goals per game or more. That stat should have been influenced heavily by playing a team like AA. The scores should have been reversed.

    I'd say we can criticize pretty much everybody else (Hack and the rest of the coaching staff, our first round draft choices, the team captain, equipment manager, etc.) but not a D1 teen-ager in net.

  12. I am sure Hak will take Lammy's health into consideration, but I have a feeling that the goalies' performance in practice is going to be the deciding factor. Personally, I would like to see Lammy get the start at least Friday night, if he is healthy. I know that Grieco has played very well, but I don't know if he is ready to be the go to guy right now, like Lammy is if he's healthy.

    Don't know that PL is either

  13. He may be playing with guys that don't compliment his skills, but you made it sound like you wanted to rip his head off or something. :glare:

    I don't want to rip his head off but I'm certainly not impressed with how he's developed since his freshman year. I believe we all had higher expectations for him as he entered his Jr. Sr. years. IMO the guys that compliment his skills (speed and physical play) are other grinders.

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