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Posts posted by SiouxVolley

  1. Big Sky Standings are lead by the three FCS teams UND has lost to:

    Eastern Washington 4-0 (5-1) Cal Poly 3-0 (5-0) Northern Arizona 3-0 (5-1)

    That's the most difficult trifecta in the league right now.

    Meanwhile, Portland St and Sac State, both of which UND beat, are in the middle of the standings.

    Meanwhile, three teams at or near the bottom of the league do not of the league do not play UND: Weber St, Idaho St, and UC Davis. No one has had a more difficult conference schedule.

    SUU and Montana games are very winnable. Beating MSU on the road would be an upset, but MSU is not a consistent team.

    Without Bauman for NAU, UND outperformed NAU. Bauman is likely the most dominating player in the Big Sky at any position.

    I'm not making excuses for UND's defense, but actually believe the weakness at linebacker is where the biggest weakness lies. In a 3-4 defense, the LB corps has to be versatile both in rushing the QB, TE/RB pass coverage, and run protection. The LB's simply can't tackle sufficiently, so that the secondary is forced to get most of the tackles.

  2. Congrats on the win. Clearly NDSU has hit the skids for both volleyball and women's BB. I suspect if things don't improve there will be some coaching changes on down the road.

    Very classy of you Wyo!

    Lynn Dorn doesn't seem to get along with male coaches. Perhaps that's a big part of the problem.

  3. You don't think this one is a mistake? Granted I don't think she has the height to be a front line player but I've seen her play and she is extremely athletic and can really strike the ball. Granted I've only seen her play once but I think a player you could compare her to is Lexi Robinson.

    There may not be any scholarships available, so that may be why she wasn't recruited.

  4. One thing that hurts NDSU is not only losing to UND....but to a UND team with a losing record.

    NDSU would be annihilated by Idaho St, N Colorado, and Portland St. Let UND play in the Summit League to rack up easy wins. :lol:
  5. One thing if NDSU was any good this year, a whole nother if you beat a fellow team who sucks. You could be right though.

    Used to hear from the Bison fans how good there were in volleyball, and how they would be a regional power in that sport. So now they absolutely suck? If NDSU sucks now, they will suck even more in the future.

    Look at the volleyball rosters of UND vs NDSU. UND is young - no senior on the team - and getting young depth (Hart and Thompson are true freshmen from ND who are getting playing time). NDSU is a senior-laden team that will get much worse before it gets better.

    Hardee is winning all the area recruiting battles. Girls will even walkon for Hardee because they want to play for him. The one recruit from Red River that NDSU was trumpeting didn't get an offer from UND.

    If you think NDSU sucks this year, watch and wait. :whistling:

    • Upvote 3
  6. “I don’t think they were smart enough or grown up enough or sophisticated enough to understand” -- Judge Douglas Herman describing NDSU Bison football players.

    Ouch! That has got to sting.

    Since its Homecoming week, what more appropriate warm welcome home to former bison players!

    That would be an awesome sign near the Fargodome during recruiting season. Too bad the Best Buy symbol couldn't be used too!

  7. Does anyone know if these players applied for the position? I heard the Bresciani on Heitcamp today and he made the comment that these players were probably targeted by this company as high profile people. So did the company approach one or more of these guys and ask them to do this. I've heard this excuse many times and it sounds to me its more of a cry for pity. He also mentioned that these guys have probably "suffered more than the average student". No kidding, probably cause the average student would not have their coach and AD tripping all over their dicks and putting their feet in their mouths trying to come up with excuses on why they shouldn't get in trouble.

    I respect the man for coming on the radio. Unfortunately to me after hearing the interview a second time on McFeely, he came across as a man making excuses for his this whole situation and the players involved.

    Doesn't Bresciani need balls to trip over his own d***? ..... On second thought. ....

  8. From NDSU's statement:

    Notice the emphasis of the win, ... "over FBS-level" ..., interesting that Dr. Bresciani felt the need to include that adjective with Colorado State. It tends to tell me what priority (football) is still deeply rooted in this education-based decision process.

    Unintentional! bull$%!#. His actions all along were intentional - disdainful of North Dakota law.

    What was unintentional was revealing this absolute disdain for law over winning. He claims he became unprofessional at that moment, but he was unprofessional all along.

  9. NDSU has no institutionalized deviant behavior by their athletic department.


    A rogue program is now sanctioned. Now we get to hear from their apologists.

    But Gene Taylor has now apologized to the citizens of North Dakota for unfortunate and ignorant statements, so it's all o.k. now. Lol

  10. How many press conferences has there been? Guess it is a big deal for the leadership with little boy pants on.

    And since the legislature is going to take this issue and year and make petition fraud a felony, guess NDSU's role in the issue won't be mentioned either.

    If no suspensions are issued, how much more is the press going to rightly ream NDSU for the next crime? Why should any player care about suspension except for (a) public exposure, (b) rolling cartloads of unpaid merchandise out of Best Buy, © dealing dope.

  11. For a month, the chorusline boys from Bisonville were singing the same refrain: we don't know the full story, so don't rush to judgement.

    Well guess what, the players all plead guilty. Bisonville basically publically urinated all over themselves with all their past statements, but will not publically apologize for their own stench and indecency.

  12. This...I definitely upset some people with a post in their Smack/Preposterous statement forum. They can dish it but they can't take it very well.

    Good for you, dmk! Rarely do Bison football players ever amount to anything in life, unless their own parents made them put on big boy pants before they ever started at NDSU.

    NDSU football should be the poster children for Hardees: putting on little boy pants for 50 years.

  13. I agree. There will be years when the luck of the draw bites you in the butt, however you have to admit if you want to be the last one standing in FriscoTX, you're gonna have to beat quality competition along the way even if it's the third and fourth game of your regular season. All I meant by my post was that it should be exciting again for UND fans that becoming a part of the BSC means year in and year out there will be multiple teams from the BSC going to the playoffs. And definatley a better chance than the previous years for UND being a member of the great west conf.

    How do Montana State fans feel about UND in the Big Sky? As you probably know, the majority of UND fans are very pleased. I have several relatives that went to Montana State, so looking forward to the rivalry games in the years to come.

  14. seriously, !@#$ off. I've spent the last two seasons beating my head against the wall trying to get students to come to games, hyping it up to friends, customers, whoever i can. I dare post criticism of the continual groupthink (which unsurprising is also continuously wrong) around here and dare to not buy into a dead rivalry that only one side really cares about, and I get nothing but crap from people who probably haven't done a goddamn thing to help in any regard. People like you make me want to not like this team. Sorry for having an opinion, asshole.

    You're language is foul and your attitude is poisonous to any team environment. You proprly belong to the bison fan base.

    You come on this board and claim that only older Sioux fans disrespect bison football, but all NDSU fans respect whay UND has done in other sports. How delusional can you possibly be?

  15. I found this article (funny how they talk about the WAC) about requirements to be an autobid conference:


    That would be NDSU, SDSU, USD, Oakland, IPFW, IUPUI, UMKC, WIU, Omaha. Thats nine schools. Omaha isn't playoff eligible until 2016, and if Oakland leaves that 7 teams until 2016. One more school bolts (before Omaha becomes eligible) or if two teams (after Oakland) bolt the Summit could be the 4 former NCC schools, and 2 others. Does GT call Doug Fullerton for an option? Does USD come crawling back after telling the Big Sky no to their invite. I think USD is in the worst shape (besides Omaha) if you tell a conference no to their invite chances are they are not going to accept you back. Unlike the SU's who were told no by the Big Sky.

    Good info. Guess they can invite Chicago St anytime. Like you said, the Summit can become the new Great West, inviting New Jersey and UTPA if they have to to keep the Summit going.

  16. Leave it up to Kolpack to come to NDSU's rescue and try to win back the court of public opinion for them. The team all signed a "card" for a guy with leukemia and he wrote an article about it. Its great the guy got an uplifting momento from the team but did it need to have a full article written about it in the FORUM? Not on NDSU's website...but the FORUM.

    Newsflash: UND, like most teams, sign footballs, posters, and cards EVERY WEEK for charitable purposes. But Kolpack had to defend his beloved Bison.

    This happens every week, every season Jeff, why did you wait until now to write it?

    Kolpack does all kinds of demeaning favors for AD Taylor. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

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