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Posts posted by scpa0305

  1. Parks plays Sioux hockey. Pattyn plays Sioux hockey. Grimaldi plays Sioux hockey.

    Kristo is the best player on the ice.

    Something is up with Knight, because he is not playing like he is capable of playing.

    MacMillan is very good offensively as well.

    I have no complaints about Caggiula or St Clair- they are freshmen.

    The biggest issue is we are getting pinned back in our own zone, we are not manning up well, and we are not transitioning well. Then we are dumping and chasing and failing to achieve the forecheck off dump and chase.

    40 shots on goal is not SIoux hockey. Allowing that for a couple weeks straight is unacceptable. This is on the coaches right now.

    Yes, you are 100% correct. ND was known for their D...not putting on 40 shot per game.

  2. I'll take a shot at this based on years played at the college level, prodution coming into the season, their actual talent/skill set and hype.

    For veterans that I think carry the water very night...Kristo, Simpson, Easy Mac and Forbort, Pattyn.

    Those veterans who have played ok, but I know could play better...Mac, Mattson and Knight (he just doesn't seem himself especially when he played half of last season on one foot).

    Veterans that need a really jump start...ODonnell, Rodwell, Gleason, Rowney...the 1st 2 have big time talent, but... The last 2 here are head scratchers for me.

    Parks is a HUGE substraction from the lineup...our most physical forward IMO and a beast along the walls. He owns the puck down low.

    1st year players show what they have got in streaks and all need to get more consistent but I like what I see in St. Clair, Cagguila, and Schmaltz.

    Rocco is the wildcard...supreme talent, but 2 of 5 goals are in garbage time...ENG and last night's goal. Has hit a ton of pipes. Most electric player at UND since Spirko IMO. I think he is just misfit...Drake and Colton are good but not on his level. On an opposite wing with Danny and it's lights out. IF he really gets it going I think that is when this team turns the corner...unless defensively we play this way all year which I hope is not the case.

    Somewhat agree besides the rodwell and odonnell talent comment. I was also thinking Rocco was going to be much better (yes I know it's early). Rowney has been almost non existent and while knight has been good, I thought this would be an absolute monster year for him as he averaged a point per game as a soph and he's still playing with kristo. I wouldn't talk down odonnell just yet, some of you thought he was the next coming of stafford but I figured he would simply be a solid role player. Rowney must figure it out.

  3. It was a frustrating game but I don't think it was that bad. They actually played better tonight than they did last night.

    Still a lot of pieces to pull together though...

    Yes they did play better than last night as far as their offensive game goes. They must have had triple the scoring chances. Still....terrible timing of penalties (macw) and terrible own zone d by all 5 players. Also gothberg did let in 2 bad softies but all in all didn't play terrible. It's early.

  4. Good win. Call me crazy, but I didn't think the play was terrible in our own zone. They gave up a lot of shots, but they kept the puck on the perimeter pretty well, and many of those shots were easy saves. Not to say Saunders didn't play extemely well--he did. But they played as well in the D zone as they did in the O zone, where they had very little extended possession. Kristo is really playing well in all phases of the game, including PK. I like that Mac is usually good for a few good hits, but the guy takes too many penalties that have nothing to do with big hits. But they got it done against a good team in their own rink--that's about all you can ask of them.

    ???....we must not have been watching the same game. Agreed however on the big win.

  5. I will still say we played pretty sloppy, got some terrible calls against us, MacWilliam played below average and we (again) played terrible in our own zone....however I think we found our goalie! Big win for the pairwise tonight.

    Great road win. But once again the officiating is embarrassing. Simpson gets boarded twice but no calls...2nd one shoulda been a 5 and gone. Then Mac gets an interfence call after Simpson gets rocked. Pathetic. Screw the Irish on the quick whistle and no goal. Go USC!! In Clark we trust!

    Agree with everything you wrote.

  6. I understand you are being sarcastic, but if you want to get technical, a couple of the trophies the irish football team plays for were made in Ireland and they have played multiple football games in Ireland. Doesn't hurt that they are the most high-profile college athletics program in the country and get to live by their own rules. Also doesn't hurt that they chose a white group of people to name themselves after.

    The BCS polls aren't flawed this season. Notre Dame, as has been stated, has several big wins and is undefeated. No one else can say that. Notre Dame has given up 10 points per game. I don't think anyone in the country would score 42 points on them.

    ND has beat an average OK team....about it. What is tough is when you face 4-5 top 15 teams in the country...in a row. All in all....ND has a fine team that could get exposed in the BCS game. However, it is a feel good story.

  7. IF they do beat USC and go 12-0 you can't argue too much with them being in the title game with wins over michigan,mich state, oklahoma and usc.

    I don't doubt they should be there...I guess....but FLA, GA, South Carolina, Texas A&M, LSU would all crush Notre Dame. All those teams you mentioned would also lose to the teams I mentioned. SEC = WCHA (from the late 90's early 2000's)

  8. As a big Notre Dame fan, I may take the time to plug in to this game. As much as I love ragging on you people, hockey can be fun to watch from time to time.

    Go Irish. The real ND! Watching the Irish beat NoDak and 'SC the same weekend....oh so much potential happiness!

    You've posted 1,266 times on a UND forum and you are not a fan?!? Odd.

  9. But you can't say the offense if fine if you are ignoring the defensive and bachchecking responsibilities they are not living up to. The D zone is pretty big, and there are 5 defenders covering it.

    I am saying that they are getting tons of scoring oppurtunities and, more importantly, are scoring goals. I have liked the total number of scoring chances we get each game, however, the turnovers, errant breakout passes and overall lack of urgency in our own zone (by all 5 players) is dissappointing. I was never putting all the blame on our defensemen....forwards have to be just as responsible in their own zone.

  10. You think our defense is the worst in the country?

    We give up 2.4 goals per game... 4th in the WCHA.

    I'd watch some more teams before you label us the worst.

    Sorry, I was over-exaggerating a bit, but I have played hockey my entire life and have watched this team for the past 14 years and can tell you I have not seen them this bad in their own zone before. The past few years the problem was letting in weak goals (14 shots against....3 goals allowed, etc.) this year Saunders is doing a fine job but he is getting peppered. Those SCSU games are a great example....SCSU was on the door step all night. Those shots all came from inside the circle(s). Yes, I like your GAA stat...that means Saunders is playing well....nothing else.

    On a more positive note, our offense has been fine all year. I have a hunch MacMillan and Kristo are going to have a great years.

  11. "Worst in the nation". Get real! Might want to ask Clarke Saunders about that since he routinely saw the number of shots we saw Duluth mount on Friday, and by the way Saunders himself said that total was skewed because many of the shots were from the perimeter.

    They were still getting shots....correct? I don't care where they were coming from...they were still coming from our own zone.

  12. Is it just me or does it seem like our d men and sometimes our forwards take a little to long to get out of there zone a lot which gives the players on the other team time to get in position, I mean I know our players need to get in position but it just seems like they take too long sometimes.

    Our defense in our own zone (both offensemen and defensemen) has to be the worst in the nation....just has to. We have been outshot in almost every game and it appears to me everyone is standing around watching the opposing team. I have yet to figure out why this team isn't playing up to their potential. In every game they have played (except Friday's BU game) I thought they have looked like the inferior team. I have no doubt they will figure it out....but I hope it is sooner rather than later.

  13. I am in the camp that says "surging" should not be part of the season plan. Not that Hak & Co actually plan it that way. Rather, I would think that they believe in their overall system, but whatever they do seems to take half-a-season to come together.

    One or two seasons where they don't "surge" would kill the buzz bigtime. But, to their credit, it has not happened yet, and they've got mutliple pieces of hardware, just not the Nattie.

    Totally agree. Last year's team was injured, young and pretty inexperienced. This year's team is basically the same only better goalies. Yes we lost Blood and Brock but we also added some decent players. I was hoping to come out of the gates strong. They have looked good at time but great teams can potentially dominate on any given night. UND plays so inconsistent at times that I feel really good team (BC, etc) would not have that "fear factor" of playing us at the end of the year. I am not saying that they would 100% beat us, but the biggest edge to have, I believe, is a great record.

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