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Posts posted by NoiseInsideMyHead

  1. The world is full of information, messages, and stimuli - conflicting values - some of which are unpleasant, and most of which are completely sub-conscious or conveniently ignored.

    Look around you.  Shirts, brands, imported cars, bumper stickers, billboards, political signs left in a yard long past an election, certain businesses (Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby come to mind)...you can't walk in a store or drive down a street without being bombarded with potentially controversial information. Some is self-defined, some requires context, some requires you to have had past experiences.

    If you think that you can sit in close confines with thousands of people for a couple of hours and be entirely free of "political statements," you're delusional.

    Tips for the offended

    1. Ignore the behavior.  Look away.  Focus on the flag.  Close your eyes.
    2. Find a reason not to be in your seat.
    3. Don't donate.
    4. Don't go.
    5. Don't patronize (or give repeat business to) sponsors or companies who espouse values contrary to your own, or who hire people that do.

    If you do nothing else, you might want to take a moment and contemplate whether there is something greater at stake here, or whether the people engaged in the offensive conduct might have a different viewpoint, and figure out the true source of your 'offense.'


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  2. 11 hours ago, SiouxForever said:

    Kneeling has caused more divide and made people more upset. It’s a weak tactic. Change and use a different method imo humble/respectful opinion. 

    1 hour ago, AJS said:

    The only thing that bothers me, is although it's clearly not their intent to show disrespect, that you couldn't see at least how people could be offended. Does it offend me, no, but I can see how it could. It just seems completely counter productive and in that sense, really short sided and frustrating. Has to be better ways or things you could do that would offend less. 

    12 minutes ago, sioux rube said:

    Racism will never leave this country unfortunately. I understand what these 2 players are trying to get across but really wish they would find another way of doing it. Pretty sure everyone is aware of the amount of racism in this country. It’s sad for sure but like I said it’s here to stay. Not sure if it’s worse than in the past but with social media it sure seems to be. With that said drop that puck already 

    This would be comical if it weren't so pathetic.

    Three posts in less than 12 hours complaining about the manner of expression but offering literally NOTHING in the way of suggestions.  What types of constructive and non-offensive acts would you have these young men do?

    If you're going to tell people to change and not do X, at least have the common courtesy to offer something up.  Especially when X is not harming you, other than offending your own personal and moral (i.e., not legal) sense of "right and wrong."

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  3. 5 minutes ago, SiouxForever said:

    Imagine after this picture was taken, years down the road, people would believe that kneeling during the anthem would instill change and actually make a difference. 

    And?  What's so terrible about letting the significance and importance of speech and expression be up to the individual engaging in it, and not everyone else?  It's one of the quintessential notions of the American ideal.

    Many of the people we now celebrate were chastised by the masses.

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  4. 59 minutes ago, AJS said:

    The only thing that bothers me, is although it's clearly not their intent to show disrespect, that you couldn't see at least how people could be offended. Does it offend me, no, but I can see how it could. It just seems completely counter productive and in that sense, really short sided and frustrating. Has to be better ways or things you could do that would offend less. 

    What is so ridiculous about this mindset is that EVERYBODY complains - whether it's rioting or kneeling - and NOBODY has ever put forth what might be an acceptable form of protest or expression.  And it seems a lot of people want to completely ignore the chorus of countless combat veterans who readily admit that they fought for the very right and freedom which you now propose to restrict.

    If everyone gets a say on what is 'acceptable,' then nothing will be acceptable.  All people ever hear is what they're not supposed to do.  How about we brainstorm solutions rather than passing off the problem?

    How about this...if no one is physically injured, if no third-party property is harmed, if no crime is committed, if no one can legitimately prove liability under any cognizable legal theory, and if no tax dollars are expended, then go for it.  Everyone goes in, eyes wide open.  Athletes understand it can have consequences (see C. Kaepernick).  Let them choose whether to kneel.  Or bow their heads.  Or raise an arm.  Or clench a fist.  Or roll their eyes.  Or sway back and forth.  Or stand rigidly.  Or sing mightily.  Or mess up the lyrics.  Or check out the cute blonde in section 105.  Or fart.  Or burp.  Or do jumping jacks.

    In other words...it's the Constitution, stupid!

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  5. 4 minutes ago, SiouxForever said:

    Kneeling has caused more divide and made people more upset. It’s a weak tactic. Change and use a different method imo humble/respectful opinion. 

    With all due respect, most of the angst about the rioting, protesting, and looting was not that the idiots shouldn't have had the right to demonstrate or display (in fact, the overwhelming public sentiment was exactly that), but that they simply chose the wrong tactic, the wrong method, and the wrong venue.

    Assuming that you're on board with freedom of expression, would you place quietly kneeling during an anthem on the end of the spectrum closest to - or furthest from - burning down a Target?

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  6. 37 minutes ago, Blackheart said:

    Well let me tell you...it's getting kinda old.  The only upside is that with the colder weather, it keeps your face a little warmer for the two seconds before you walk in and two seconds after you walk out of a store.;)

    Wife and I were having a similar cold weather mask conversation yesterday. The inescapable reality is that even though we may bundle against the cold with, say, a ski mask, we savor the opportunity to remove it upon arriving at our heated destinations and allow our faces to breathe and skin to warm.  It has never once occurred to me NOT to take off or at least loosen a hat and scarf when walking into a store or other building.  Just more proof that indoor mask wearing is pathetic and a complete affront to that which makes us human.  I positively dread winter under these draconian mask mandates.  Repeal them all!

    Masks S-U-C-K.

  7. 23 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

    If I understand what you are saying, it's already happened.  I'm not saying that just because someone smokes means they deserve to die of Covid.  What I am saying is that smoking is a choice.  In most cases obesity is also a choice.  The hazards of those choices are well known.  People that live a more moderate lifestyle are already financially getting hammered because of those poor choices made by others (increased insurance/cost of medical care, etc) even though they chose to live a healthier lifestyle by not smoking and by not eating bag after bag of Doritos.  

    So when the very thing that the obese and smokers were warned about comes home to roost, some people's solution is to punish those that made the smart decisions to stay healthy in an effort to bail out the smokestacks and porkers? 

    Ask around to anyone working in hospitals at the moment, with very few exceptions the people filling up beds are the very old (can't do much about age) and the obese.    

    This whole discussion is curious.

    Is there really a correlation between risk and DESIRE for the vaccine?

    I suspect that a whole lot of folks who might qualify for some 'priority' status will simply pass, and low priority people will still enjoy access...if they want it.  If the latter does not come to fruition, I would be leery that that characterizations by providers of 'high demand among higher risk populations' as the reason are a smoke screen for decreased availability across the board due to supply issues.

    All that to say, you come across as quite the judgmental sort when it comes to your fellow man.  Hope you're not a "Christian."

  8. 4 hours ago, Hawkster said:

    From the link below:  Wentz is in the midst of his worst season as a pro. He is first among all players in interceptions (14), fumbles (10) and sacks (40), ranks 32nd in completion percentage (58.4), 31st in yards per attempt (6.2) and has the worst off-target percentage (23%) among all qualifiers, according to ESPN Stats & Information.


    Lest we pile on, and I'm on the record here as loving his story as 'good for ND,' I would say this about CW and stats:

    INTs - could well be on him, although it's always been interesting to me that INTs are charged to the QB regardless of who's at fault (although I understand why that's done).

    FUMBLES - well, he is a scrambling QB, and QB's touch on pretty much every snap, so as a function/ratio I don't quite know how to assess this, but it is definitely a ball security issue.

    SACKS - unless he's making bad decisions, this is hardly his fault.

    I've never felt he was super accurate in his passing, but having watched a couple of games this season, I still contend that there are few QB's I'd want to have the ball in their hands when the pocket collapses more than Wentz.  He has an uncanny ability to extend and make things happen on his feet, and that's always been one of his key assets.  Whether he can be a long-term fixture in the NFL remains to be seen.

  9. Friendly reminder that Hugo's is closed ALL DAY on Thanksgiving (as are both Target and Wal*Mart), so if you haven't double-checked supplies for your family's feast, and you want to avoid a last-minute trip to Fargo (or at least somewhere other than GF), tonight is it!

    And Happy Thanksgiving 2020!

  10. 10 minutes ago, OgieOgilthorpe said:

    So you beg folks to come eat in EGF over GF because they need it more, then turnaround and laugh at a post about a GF restaurant closing, and about all the GF vacancies? You’ve helped me decide to spend every dollar on the west side of the river next time I’m in GGF. Enjoy Walz 

    You may be confused. Who was laughing? You need to learn your emojis.

    I’ve pretty much lamented the loss of every restaurant in GF in this thread, and advocated for many more to open. And pointing out the glut of commercial real estate in GF is hardly controversial.

    And do whatever you want, but you’re heartless to dismiss the harmful effects of a monthlong closure of MN restaurants that started Friday on a perceived political snub. Your snide reference to Walz implies that you’re far more interested in playing politics than a local economic issue of great public concern.

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  11. Here's a food related question for any architects, commercial real estate folks, developers, etc.

    Are you seeing a COVID-push yet where quick-serve and family casual dining areas will be shrunk down/eliminated, and are construction and design evolving to accentuate both drive-thru and pick-up options?  Are people even spending money right now on conventional restaurant spaces?

  12. 7 hours ago, Goon said:

    This bums me out. This was one of my go tos before the Pandemic. Spicy Pie is closed. I hate 2020.


    Thank God there is so much demand - and such low vacancy - in Grand Forks for strip malls right now. ;)

    Seriously though, I think the land immediately south of Honda/Nissan is being developed for...wait for it...a strip mall.  At least that's what the rendering appeared to show on the sign as I drove by.

  13. 1 hour ago, Kermit's Luck said:

    It’s obviously not possible in the US. People treat wearing a mask as an oppressive infringement on their freedoms for some unknown reason. 

    Unknown reason? Are you serious?

    The US has literally debated for years whether it is constitutional to even PERMIT people to wear face coverings by choice for religious reasons (see Muslims and drivers licenses), and you can't seem to fathom how REQUIRED face coverings might be oppressive?

    If you LIKE a mask, by all means, wear one. But don't insult our intelligence by telling us that there's nothing to it.

    Masks S-U-C-K.

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  14. 7 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Minnesotans deserve to know where their sovereign is at all times in crisis. 

    Couple-skating to "Endless Love" in a darkened Xcel Energy Center, on a rink of frozen tears of youth hockey players, probably.

  15. Any chance that Burgum engineered this whole youth sports thing simply to troll Walz?  I mean, the timing couldn’t have been better, AND with ND skating, Walz is gonna get like 10x the pressure from hockey parents in his state that he was already assured to get.  How does he not cave?

    After all, ND has the highest f**king mortality rate IN THE WORLD, right? The arguments practically make themselves.

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