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Posts posted by Goon

  1. 1 hour ago, Fader said:

    Not sure if someone has mentioned this yet.  Tim & Darren were commenting during the 1st intermission that ice conditions were not very good. Said something like "it will be less bad to start the 2nd".  That aside, there were a lot of sloppy passes and dumb turnovers.


    I was wondering about that, because there were some bad bounces and guys leaving the puck as if it was sticking to the ice. It also looked like the puck was bouncing. I know it's warmer in Ohio, than here. A couple of guys bit it and there was no one around them. 

  2. 28 minutes ago, fightingsioux4life said:

    If he signs, he will never be seen or heard from again. He'll get buried on the depth chart in the AHL and won't get a sniff at the NHL. He is nowhere near ready for the next level.

    I wouldn't be surprised if he is a three- or four-year player. 

    • Upvote 3
  3. 1 hour ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Spaghetti sounds like carb/starch loading and slowing down bowels.
    Chili sounds like speeding up bowels.
    Interesting dichotomy. 
    Who wins. 

    The person that doesn't eat there. :)  ;) If you go to Walmart, you can find Skyline Chili cans to make the Un fabulous dish at home. I actually bought the cans, went by the recipe, and it was horrible. 

  4. 16 hours ago, RedFrog said:

    First box to check is home ice for the conference tournament.

    Did the math.

    Magic number to clinch home ice is currently 7.  Combination of UND regulation wins and WMU regulation losses.

    Breakdown:  WMU is currently in 5th place (first road position) has 22 points with a maximum of 30 points left to earn, bringing their max possible total to 52.  UND sitting at 32 points would need 21 points to get to 53.  *Remember, regulation wins are worth 3 points.


    Second box to check is the Penrose.

    Magic number to clinch the Penrose is 9.  Combination of UND regulation wins and SCSU regulation losses.

    Breakdown: SCSU is currently in 2nd place and has 28 points bringing their max possible to 58.  UND sitting at 32 would need 27 points (9 regulation wins) to get to 59 points.


    There is obviously more that can play into and reduce these numbers and the numbers may change significantly each game day, but this is a very high level maximum need look.  I went outright clinch scenarios and no tie breaker/tie scenarios for simplicity.

    I will work to update this weekly as things play out.  I want to get that first box checked!

    We are at least 3 weeks away from being able to hit a clinching scenario, but more likely 4 or more.

    Nice to see @RedFrog back.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 2 hours ago, UND08 said:

    I'm sorry that your post is going to inspire my rant CM...but here it comes anyway...

    Why does everyone think we have to be so dang "North Dakota Nice" on a stinking message board?!?!  Of course this is where everyone comes to complain and vent...that's how every message board in the COUNTRY works!!!  Fan is short for "fanatic" after all...and if recruits are turned off by a message board then they should just go to a school like Southern Utah or Idaho State where fan apathy is so strong that they don't have these kinds of sites...of course they won't get NIL or any kind of great support...because those "fanatics" are the types that write those checks...because they CARE!

    Of course...if/when UND goes 4-8 next year, blows the whole thing up, and the rebuild fails...UND football might look awfully similar...

    Most of us would just be happy to see a freaking VISION from the athletic dept. that shows WHAT the expectations are for the program, HOW we are going to meet said expectations...and then a follow through on holding people in leadership positions accountable if those expectations aren't met.  Hell, we are part of that as fans!  If you need an extra million a year to compete in recruiting come up with a plan and pitch it to us!  It's not unreasonable to expect greatness...hell its healthy!  We get a taste of success...a lot of teams build on it.  Some teams lose steam because those responsible for success move on to bigger pastures.  Meanwhile the events of the last 3.5 months at UND are so stereotypically UND under Bubba that I'm not even surprised anymore.  It's 2 steps forward 1 step back.  Bubba's had 10 years at UND.  That's an ETERNITY in his profession!  If you're not going to take the program any further, then we need to do something else...because when it goes stale it's not a pretty site.  Meanwhile our athletic department let the two most talented coaches we have on staff walk for lateral jobs where they got paid more and have a better chance to succeed.  Again...reeks of stale air in the program.  Of course, nobody is coming after our defensive coaches and offering them opportunities.  Makes sense...we are a defensive minded football team after all...

    And why should I feel bad for hurting a recruit or players' feelings?!?  They're pseudo employees now after all.  We give them a chance and they ball out...chances are they'll just hit the portal anyway to get that bag!  This is now de facto professional sports.

    So how dare you question my loyalty by saying that you pay your dues no matter what (and inferring that I don't) ...my loyalty is the only reason I'm pissed off at the direction of the program!  And ya know...more and more every passing day I'm questioning why I even bother...that's dangerous ground for an FCS football program trying to compete with the others on I-29...because I know I'm not the only one that feels that way...and their fan bases are much more dialed in.  UND might be a top 20 ish team in the FCS...problem is they are consistently #4 on the list of those that actually matter in this area...out of 4!  Tough draw no doubt...but life's not fair!  Even when we house NDSU at home...this is what we follow it up with?!?!  Gross...

    I expect this program to be great.  That's been the expectation for UND football for as long as I can remember.  If we are content with 7-5 every year and a first round exit, please just let me know and I'll find something else to do in the fall.   Those of you who wear the "In Bubba we Trust" shirts walking around parking lots are getting to be more and more in the minority.  If the portal bleeds us dry and we go 5-7 or 4-8 next fall, it's going to be ugly.  Chaves and Bubba should get their walking papers together.

    Hope everyone figures their crap out...but I'm not holding my breath...

    You just hit a lot of the points I have been thinking about. I think most of us want the program to succeed, but it's not right now. It's floundering in mediocrity. 

    • Upvote 2
  6. 48 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    FYP. ;)

    And no, no, no ... down to ND 200, Mayville, Portland, west edge of Portland south to Clifford, then county highway west to Hope then ND 32 then south to Helmer's ... I mean Oriska. ;) 

    I don't think that bar is open anymore. We drove by it in 2022 and it looked abandoned. :) 

  7. On 1/28/2024 at 4:15 PM, Blackheart said:

    Is this the Trap series?

    It is if they don't try to run Miami out of the building from the first puck drop. If UND plays the game they played last weekend, they have an opportunity to take six points. 

  8. 56 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Negative posters? Okay so you’re a positive poster … glad we got that straightened out. What’s positive about losing nearly every road game and never winning post season games while regional rivals win playoff games, including national championships, year after year?

    CM Sioux is from the crowd that says, "But we made the playoffs... or we finally beat NDSU this year." We should just be happy with a mediocre 7-5 record and a first-round playoff exit every year.  

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    • Downvote 1
  9. 20 hours ago, SooToo said:

    If you're not satisfied with a top 20 FCS finish and a playoff loss, you obviously have plenty of company. I think UND should be doing better, too.

    I agree with you UND can do better than the current mediocre state of the program. Good enough isn't good enough anymore. 

    • Upvote 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, Longtime fan said:

      What is going through Bubbas head right now ?   

    - I have built a legacy here and not leaving it ? 
    - und football has no chance to survive without me ?

    Come on Bubba!! Do the university, the city, the fans and the players a huge favor and get the hell out !  You have sent this program back further than Muss had. At least Muss could use the “ I took the program on a maiden voyage into D1” response.  You Bubba…on the other hand can take the “ yeah I took Muss’ recruits, sprouted some new life  into the program and sunk it to the ocean floor like titanic” response.

     You claim to love this university and program.  By you staying …shows neither.  Your sunk!  So many of us faithful have turned away.   You bring nothing to the table.   Blah,boring,  predictable are some of the adjectives that can describe you.  It’s time to step aside.  What do you really have for expectations next year ?  Honestly.   You know damn sure you will not win a playoff game with very slightest odds of even making the playoffs.  So why stay and have the program fall further ?  

    If the rumor is true that Joe is leaving that one hurts.  Bad !    I really liked Joe.  He was the one guy that had no UND connections and desire to win and had football competency.  He turned the OL into a fantastic unit.  

    Yet Bubba remains.  Sad sad 

    Joe is gone. Kelly is in the know. 


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