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Posts posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. 18 hours ago, nodak651 said:

    Common Man or Dan Bererro style show would be ideal.  Other than UND, sports segments should include NDSU and other local schools/pro teams.  Show should have callers.  I think Guage Ausmus would be a natural for a show like this, and I'm sure anyone who's listened to his pod would probably agree.  I doubt he would have the time but just an example.

    Would need a UND E-Sports HOF grad  on the bad word beep controller.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 20 hours ago, NewUndFan said:

    Thanks for the advice on House of Punjab. Took your recommendation there and got exactly what you said to get. I got the medium spice. I was going in with not alot of expectations as I have tried Indian food before and didn't care for it.   The food was awesome !!! Medium spice was definitely not to spicy for me. Excellent taste . Looking forward to going back.  Had to wait a bit to get in. Took awhile to get my food but it was worth it!.  


    13 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Agree on the naan. Especially with how amazing the naan is at Punjab. Real naan vs half assed. Punjab is as legit as it comes anywhere in the country.

    It's interesting but if you like House of Punjab I'd urge you to try India Palace on 13th in West Fargo...

    "Allegedly" as per the facebook post war GF's Punjab was started by former Palace people, employees, or patrons connected somehow, who may or may not have stolen, borrowed, copied, whatever... the recipes (or whatever the posts insinuated..)

    The GF house of Punjab does not even come close to doing the dishes justice when compared to the original though.

    I'd rate House of Punjab as "tasty".

    India Palace in WF is rated as

    "Knock your di<k off good" as El Presidente would say....

     Try the Vindaloo.

  3. Looks like a few more High School head coaching jobs opened up.

    Saw Mayville and Dickinson both posted on facebook about them.

    Dallas Kuntz had been thw Dickinson head coach for 10 years I believe.

    Haven't heard who got or if the West Fargo or Fargo South Shanley jobs had been filled.

  4. 1 hour ago, gfNDfan said:


    that's it.   Went to the mall for the first time in years (like everyone else apparently) and it was really depressing.   It's like a galaxy collapsing on itself with all the stores shriveling toward the center until it eventually explodes in a supernova - except I suspect this will be more like a wet fart.   No reward for driving through the parking lot direct from Syria with all the potholes.  Grand Cities mall might have more actual stores - now THAT says something.

    Grand cities Mall is exponentially more interesting.


    GF has to grew some testicular fortitude and make something happen to the Columbia mall, it's a sucking chest wound to the city and providing nothing but a tax writeoff for..... whatever holding company has it now.

    If there was ever a valid cause for eminent domain... it's the Columbia Mall in Grand Forks.

  5. On 4/29/2023 at 11:03 AM, Goon said:

    I'd like to know why everyone is so willing to just let them go. Yes, it's apparent they add nothing to this conference other than teams having about a 75% winning percentage against them. If the NCHC does this for them, then it makes it easier for other teams to just pack up and leave. When the NCHC first started they the teams in the conference were asked if they were committed to this conference. Everyone said yes, I was told that everyone agreed to the exit fee. If they want out they pay. Also, I keep hearing how ASU is going to a great add to the conference. If we have a sharp commissioner, I am not sure we do, then she needs to relay to ASU, your one of eight or nine teams, you're not calling the shots. You will be like everyone else or we're not adding you. The NCHC holds all of the cards. 


    ASU would be a temporary addition to the NCHC. 

    The eventuality of a western or Pacific based conference will make that so...

    But I think they would be a very good partner for the next ten years or so.... then......

    As has been talked about here before, there will be a different landscape in college hockey

  6. On 5/2/2023 at 6:45 PM, brianvf said:

    Because it's Wodon.


    14 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    He's correct: He didn't accuse.

    He mentioned tampering and then said certain schools were "aggressive". He painted with inference. 

    He's an absolute tool in my opinion, he knows exactly what he did, why and how to do it to avoid actual being accountable for saying it.

    He's the slithering jealous worm of the college hockey media world.... 

    I categorize him as basically a meth'ed out dubay with a spellchecker and the login to a  Twitter account.


  7. 1 hour ago, jdub27 said:

    Based on what? 

    They have geography and money in their favor with facilities on the way. 

    Didn't take them long to be competitive in other sports and with the backing they have, it would pretty naive to say they are all that far off from anything.

    Answered it yourself.

    so your saying their team 2 years from now may be remotely competative...

    Facilities open 2 years (barring delays) from now

    3- 4 years at least from there for recruiting to benefit the on ice product (even with portal supplements)

    They have current conference obligations .....

    and in the meantime that's 6+ years of changing college hockey landscape... 

    As much as the alumni and location benefit... its not the type of draw that ASU has and I don’t believe it's realistic to compare the two's ability to draw recruits as equal.

    All things being said does anybody think they can win a battle vs Gophers for the MN kid?? No that's not reasonable to believe.

    but by 10 years time.... its fair to see an established program be nationally competitive and fit within the structure (that we know today) that the NCHC is.

    So to say St Thomas is 10 years away is a very rational and reasonable assertion.

    • Upvote 1
  8. This might be the stupidest conversation these boards have seen in years.


    St. Thomas is a minimum of 10 years away from being a NCHC addidtion consideration. 

    And by that time there's going to be a completely different world in the  college hockey landscape.

    • Upvote 1
  9. The only switch that will happen is

    MIAMI out to CCHA

    ASU in to NCHC

    That's the only realistic change in the 5 to likely 10 year future.

    NCHC under summit or a summit league is not going to happen, it would be foolish and absolutely not in the best interest of UND DU or UMD....  and frankly that's who matter and swing the biggest..... sticks.

    Out past 10 years from now.. who knows, that all depends on the growth of D1 programs in the west, and a different conversation.

    UND etc, isn't going to allow the NCHC to be watered down into an afterthought sport in a plucky low level also-ran league like the summit is in the grand scheme.

    It's not happening, foolish to take it seriously.

    • Upvote 3
  10. 11 hours ago, thUNDer said:

    Ummm, did I miss the MN & QU natty game? Nope, we did quite well against #1&#2 last Fall. 

    The Qu team that played in the fall was a terrible team compared to the team by the time the tourney rolled around... its foolish to toss that out there as "validation" for the season.

    In fact... I'd say it validates the anti-Berry crowd (of which I am not a part of at this time FWIW)... 

    Both teams DID NOT play good hockey that weekend but, one team progressed and improved to the point of being the Natty Champ..

    One team regressed and repeatedly under-preformed...

    • Like 1
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  11. Berry's contract (and I could just say any Mens Hockey Head Coach now and into the future)....

    Will not be bought out by the University of North Dakota......


    Whether people think that good bad or indifferent is irrelevant.

  12. 3 hours ago, Kevin G said:

    I’m glad you posted this tweet. It shows some of the behind-the-scenes work that the coaches do that rarely gets acknowledged or appreciated. Also, it’s cool that young and impressionable hockey players are exposed to the Ralph. I have to think that that exposure pays dividends down the road. Well done. 

    This is just a pretty normal occurrence, the staff is usually quite accomodating (as they can be) to requests for tours for teams while in town for various youth tourneys.

    It is an a great thing to expose kids to the facilities. Never know where the next diamond in the rough can be found.


  13. On 4/7/2023 at 6:23 PM, UND-FB-FAN said:

    The athletics priorities in GF and at UND are messed up. Been that way for a couple decades, at least. Culture change any other direction will take another couple decades. 

    In what way?

    Would love to hear this pontification....

  14. On 4/5/2023 at 12:31 PM, Walsh Hall said:

    Charitable gaming should be a high priority.  With the massive increase of proceeds from “electronic pull tabs” that’s a big miss.  Many charities are purchasing liquor establishment just to “lock down” the gambling $.

    I believe the current cases the AGs office is involved in will have some major shifts on how the entire landscape of charitable gaming in ND operates going forward.

    I would be willing to bet you won't see alot of changes or moves made until after the dust settles.

    Some big knockers are under the microscope right now.

    • Upvote 1
  15. On 4/19/2023 at 10:59 AM, The Sicatoka said:

    Proof or I'm skeptical. 


    15 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Housing bubble.
    Stock market bubble.

    NIL bubble. 

    It's coming. 

    It's just such a bad take to think this thing is controllable any more.

    It's on the level of betting on the BetaMax  and then sinking the retirement on LazerDisc players in the DeLorean




  16. 7 hours ago, tnt said:

    I believe that is the 18U prep team that is the varsity.

    18U Prep is the top team. "Varsity"

    The 18U AAA lands those that dont make the prep team as well as those 16 yr olds that dont make the 16U team.

    • Upvote 1
  17. 8 hours ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

    What's the word on Ryder McDonald? GF kid at SSM.


    5 hours ago, ChadR said:

    Didn’t make the SSM Prep team this year. 

    He's a heck of a hockey player, great hands, great speed, and can get an absolute piss missle of a shot off very quickly.

    A prospect? maybe not right now but if puts a bit more size on and follows the path, who knows.

    Easily one of the top kids in the NDAHA 05/06 group at the HP camp this past weekend.

    Fun kid to watch play hockey.

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