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Posts posted by bisonh8er

  1. Haha no kidding for an invite to the big ten i wouldn't care what our nickname is. But thats not gonna be happening, at least not anytime in the near future. 50 years from now, ya never know but UND hasn't even crept into the minds of big time fbs schools let alone a bid on the table

  2. By far the best restaurant I've eaten at in St. Paul is Kincaid's. Mabey a block away from the X. If you willing to spend $20-40 bucks a plate you cant get any better. But be ready it fills up pretty quick.

    map- http://www.kincaids.com/Shared/Controls/LocationBasedControls/page/location

    menu- http://www.kincaids.com/page/menu/74973#menu!74973!Beef!ctl00_PageContent_MyMenu_rptMenu_ctl02_rptMenuCategory_ctl03_liControl

    I strongly suggest the Char-Grilled Sirloin Chateau if you like steak. And the best appetizer you will ever have is definitely the grilled beef tenderloins. Melt in your mouth type food. Little pricey but well worth it if your looking for a really good meal. Usually is a jacket and tie type place but they don't care during the hockey tournaments. I ate there during the final five both this year and last year and I will be doing the same next year every time wearing my black Sioux jersey.

  3. What is with this 26 year old Canadians and smart kids comment? I doubt most of the UND players would make it into RPI based on grades.

    Why do people assume people from UND are dumb? I've always thought UND offers an above average education. RPI is based primarily of engineers. We have an engineering school, not on the level of RPI but we have one. Just the same as RPI doesn't have a medical or aviation school on par with UND. Its all relative.

  4. The business suits are retired for the season at this point. The Sioux are the highest seed remaining in the tourney.

    So they are the home team from here on...

    I thought that the coaches can agree on jersey designation before the game?

  5. Who was in the party in charge of the states though? And where did their jobs go? Overseas to increase the income for the top 1% who you seem to highly enjoy giving your money to. Your webiste link holds no water. Do you enjoy the fact that GE pays no taxes and even gets billions from the government in tax credits? As unions have lost their power, thanks to people like you who vote against their own self interests which low and behold the people of Wisconsin now realize, what has happened to wages in this country?

    Obviously you are totally ignorant upon the subject you speak of. Try signing up for an economics course and learn something. Until then nothing you say holds any weight. Why do they ship jobs overseas? Mabey because businesses cannot afford to pay 300,000 auto union workers full pensions and uber high wages. I'm not gonna find the article but you can search for it. A New York Times article stated that auto workers in the big 3 average making $70 an hour if you include benefits and pension. Thats $20 less that Japanese auto unions make (Toyota). Unions suck businesses dry and increase cost of products for everyone else.




    I can play this game all day and I guarantee you won't win. The numbers don't lie and the numbers show unions stiffle growth, protect incompetant employees, hurt the economy, only benefit a small few, are corrupt, and are more concerned with politics that benefit their own interest over the best interest of the country. They get huge pensions and sometimes up to 80% of their base pay after they retired but then bitch about not receiving social security. Sounds like they are trying to double dip to me. Unions are fading and are being less and less supported by the general public. People are starting to wake up and understand that business cannot be competitive because of the high demands of unions. Think what you want its a free country but the number do and always will back what I'm saying up. Sorry to rain on your parade.

    I had like 4 more videos talking about it but the site said I couldnt post that many.

  6. Then it can't be true because you can not prove it. Let us see the documentation and if no documentation it is not true. Unions built middle-class America and the right wishes to destroy that group. Are you against the average person wishing for a better standard of living? Or trying to reach the American dream?

    Geez let me put my boots on the walk through the diarrhea spewing from you right now. Unions once had a place in this country to fight for the average Americans. Now with how many laws that are in place to protect American workers unions don't have a place. Do you think its just a coincidence that the states that were hit hardest by the recession happened to be union states? As far as it can't be true because I can't prove it. Well you can think what you want but let me ask you this. Do you believe in gravity? Last time I checked nobody can actually prove gravity. It isn't a scientific law. But I bet you still believe in gravity right?

  7. Jody Hodgeson gave a lecture in one of my classes where he explained many things that the school and primarily mr RE helping the reservations. One of the examples he explained, and I have no documentation cause it was just a lecture, but he explained RE donated enough propain one winter to heat the houses on the reservation when they were having trouble keeping their houses warm enough. Nobody every remembers the good stuff that has been done for the NA.

  8. I just hope the NCAA will be willing to at least hear UND out. Best case scenario is that the NCAA is pressured enough to agree that unless Standing Rock lets their citizens be heard then one tribes approval will suffice. I just think that there is to much that is tainted for the NCAA to ignore. Bring the facts to them. Show them the money that goes into indian studies. Show them the Spirit Lake letters begging to keep the name. Show them the petition with the signatures on it from Standing Rock that the tribal council refused to acknowledge. Show them how Standing Rocks tribal council refused to even talk to UND. UND needs to show that a few in power have crippled UND's ability to fulfill the agreement that was set. And finally, confront the NCAA with the fact that they are making money off of something they are against. Similar things happened in the NFL this year with James Harrison's photo of his illegal hit he was fined for. The NFL was selling the photo making money and they were confronted and folded. If the NFL can fold the NCAA can fold.

  9. They definetly need too. Whether people believe it or not stuff like that doesn't help with things such as recruiting. Not only that but it really takes a toll on the players body because it has little to no give when you land on it.

  10. Ladies and Gentleman, this is a fine piece of writing minus some minor grammar/ spelling. I applaud him for this letter.

    "Mr. Faison:

    The purpose of this letter is to express to you my frustration, irritation and disgust with your testimony against the use of the Fighting Sioux nickname. As a former Fighting Sioux Athlete with 2 NCAA National Championships, 1 Runner Up, 3 WCHA Championships and a 4-year degree from the University of North Dakota, I find your testimony in favor of retiring the nickname unacceptable behavior for our

  11. To be honest I could care less about having weak teams to "balance" out the schedule. I think thats a cop out in any sport. You wanna be the best, beat the best. I would rather be in an extremely tough conference top to bottom than a conference with good talent at the top and teams like Mich Tech at the bottom. Ya it will be harder to make the postseason, but you also will see alot more teams from a conference like that make the NCAA tournament just based on pairwise and the TUC (teams under consideration). Not to mention a better conference means better tv deals, which means more money for the school. It also would help with getting more games nationally televised and would help with recruiting. I don't know about you but if I'm getting recruited to play hockey I would rather play in a conference with the big dogs as opposed to being big fish in a little pond. JMO

  12. I think that Miami and Notre Dame are gonna have to leave the ccha. I don't think they have a choice because their conference is gonna be terrible which can have an effect on them making it to the playoffs if they don't win their conference tournament. My view of it is the WCHA should first and foremost go after ND. I say this because I think if ND makes the first move and joins the WCHA I think Miami will simply follow. Those are both big time hockey programs that should be very interested in joining what most of us consider the best conference in college hockey.

  13. Just hypothetically speaking how awesome would it be for the big10 to fold and have Minn, Michigan, Penn State, Michigan State and Ohio State all join the WCHA and form something like the WCHA east and WCHA west much like SEC football.

    WCHA West

    North Dakota







    St. Cloud

    WCHA East

    Penn State


    Ohio State


    Nebraska Omaha

    Colorado College

    Michigan State

    Michigan Tech

    8 Teams on each side. Play a home and home with each team in your own division plus a home and home with 3 teams from the opposing division. Thats 22 conference games. Teams could also still schedule 3-5 non conference series which puts each team playing about 28-32 games before playoffs. As for the playoffs, take the top 4 from each division and throw them in St. Paul pairing 1-4 2-3 from the opposite divsion. So WCHA East #1 vs WCHA West #4,

    East #2 Vs West #3, East #3 Vs. West #2, East #4 Vs. West #1.

    Could you imagine the conference playoff tournament looking like this.

    UND vs. UNO

    Minn vs. Mich State

    Denver vs. Wisco

    Duluth vs. Mich

    How glorious it could be. A man can dream.

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