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Posts posted by Hansel

  1. stopped by the Lennon open forum today here is my synopsis

    attendance- I didn't go to the last two but the people around me were saying the first two weren't highly attended, about 80-90% of the seats were full today- with tomorrow probably going to be SRO

    Lennon seemed pretty happy and relaxed-

    the first comment he made he ripped LTC for being an ass to work for (j/k had to throw that out there :bigsmile: )

    Lennon talked about his policy about academics and discipline- which were big points among the attendees-who seemed satisfied with his answers.

    Said he would basically run the same systems offensively and defensively at MSU which he runs now. Sounded like if he came he would bring surround himself with people he is currently or has previously coached with- when asked if he would have Montanans on the staff- he said there would be "montana presence"- specifically mentioned Breitsbach (sp?) but said he was a midwest guy and the staff would have a midwest feel.

    Dale repeatedly emphasized recruiting small town kids and in-state kids first- also mentioned that he rarely recruits JUCO kids- doesn't have anything against them but that is not his style.

    Dale said the Big Sky was a good conf and if you could win the BS you can win a national title- and added that UND and USD would really like to be part of the BSC. Never mentioned the 'Griz once- did make light of several newspaper articles which said he played at NDSU (and mentioned the nametag SNAFU in Florence).

    Seemed pretty honest throughout the interview which I think scored well with the audience- admitted it was a terrible time to start and leave a coaching job- but said he was in a similar position when he started at Mary.

    Overall I thought it went quite well (which I think most here would expect of Lennon), what most are waiting for is what will happen when MVD (who Dale mentioned as a friend) interviews tomorrow.

  2. What question did you want answered that didn't get answered? Did you want Lennon to air any concerns or problems with his current position? I can't see Lennon doing that even if he does leave. Too classy for that.

    It would have been nice to hear why Lennon thought the job was attractive- rather than he had been to Bozeman once- and that Bozeman/MSU are similar in size to GF/UND- though we should get that info tonight.

    I also wonder if Dale is liking the temp (high) in the mid 40's today with a chance of snow tonight- gotta love "summer" in Montana :silly:

  3. If you feel that way, then certainly you would agree that at the point in which Bohl took the NDSU job in 2003, MSU would have been a better choice for him if it would have been an option?

    Which job (MSU or NDSU) would you rather have in 2007?

    In 03 I would take the MSU job, in 07 I would take the job at NDSU

  4. With UND now transitioning to D-I and how sound the football program is right now, MSU is a lateral move at best.

    More money, more fan support, being the "top sport", instantly being in a FCS autobid conference rather than 5 years until FCS playoff elibility. If Lennon wants to coach a BCS level sometime in the distant future MSU would be a better "springboard" IMHO.

  5. Right now USD and UND are football programs on pretty equal footing, if Lennon leaves...who knows? You guys may be in for some rocky times, while we are firing on all cylinders.

    USD and UND are not on equal footing- UND has been good for a long time USD has had a couple of decent seasons after UNC, NDSU, and SDSU (who USD went 7-34 against over the last 14 years) left.

    obviously I am not a UND fan :silly: but the difference between UND and USD is that UND is at the point where the program will be OK without Lennon (if he decided to leave of course), they have been good for long enough that they can even "weather" a bad coach even if LTC f's up (again?), the fans alumni etc will demand it. if Meirkort (sp?) leaves and USD has a 5-6 or worse season there is a decent chance they could be in crapsville once again.

  6. My mistake. I just assumed NDSU would have added equestrian by now. How have you gone to full football scholarships without stepping out of Title IX compliance? Did you switch from proportionality to the "interests and abilities" measurement?

    I think NDSU has always gone by interests and abilities

  7. A year from today, three years from today:

    How many scholarships will USD have to work with?

    How many will Montana State have after APR reductions?

    How many will North Dakota have?

    It kind of makes you wonder which really is the best job right now.

    3 years from today UND will have two seasons left of "transition", while MSU will be in an autobid conference (I am guessing both schools will have the same amount of schollies [57-63]).

    Bozeman vs Grand Forks = no contest

    I think a good working relationship with the AD would be the biggest impetus for change- I have heard Bunning and Lennon are not exactly "peas and carrots".

    That being said I think Lennon stays at UND if offered the job or not :silly:

    USD won't do "jack" in FCS- you heard it here first ???

  8. As a graduate and supporter of both schools I think Chapman is acting pretty juvenile. I will agree he has been very good for NDSU, but this has nothing to do with NDSU and everything to do with him personally.

    As for the funding "inequalities", NDSU needs to realize that the med school creates a large part of this supposed unequal funding. Last I checked NDSU does not have a professional school. The med school and to a lesser extent the law school are apart of UND, but are very independent when it comes to funding. The cost to educate a doctor is much higher than any other student. Every MD position I see in Fargo starts well into six figures, I imagine it is the same in GF. The faculty budget alone in the med school has to be huge.

    Pharmacy :D

  9. I too think that our D** conservative streak killed us. When they had fourth and goal, they went for it, when we had it we wimped out. Game over. Lennon and Mussman need to seriously re-evaluate their philosophy. It's killing us in tight games.

    I could be wrong (don't know the stats) but doesn't UND have an unbeleivable record in close games over the last 6-7 years?

  10. If I know my stuff correctly, UND actually allows so many spots for Montana students to get into Med school. Minnesota used to do something similar for ND residents to get into dental school at the UM-TC, but I don't believe they do it anymore.

    don't know about the UND stuff

    by Alaska, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana have the WWAMI program setup with the University of Washington where students take the the first year of med school in their home state


  11. At the risk of sounding like even more of a broken record: SUU will not be going to the BSC, as it doesn't pass the we "want to expand with programs that make us better" sniff test. (It does however, pass the "make us worse" test). SUU doesn't have votes and they don't make the BSC better or enhance the BSC revenue - its just another hungry mouth to feed at the trough of conference revenues. SUU only gets added in desperation if two schools leave the BSC and the BSC hasn't already made a move.

    Even in the remote chance SUU should leave the MidCon, the MidCon then is forced to respond by taking UTPA to maintain its core members number and its autobid. Other schools only get added if the MidCon goes to 12.

    DU will not go to the BSC unless there are more additions that satisfy DU. DU holds all the cards: they are the only acceptable core DI member. The BSC absolutely needs one more core member for protection, and they (the BSC) will do what it takes to attract DU.

    A single canadian school will not be accepted into the BSC, as it wouldn't satisfy the BSC's need for a core member.

    The BSC choices are rather simple:

    Add DU + 2 others mutually attractive to DU and the BSC (i.e. UBC and UND) - improves the perception of the BSC, opens future markets, increases revenues and assure survival for 15+ years

    Add SUU - does nothing to revenue and makes future defections (MT to WAC - MT was informally offered before Idaho was, but decline) more likely, future looks bleak

    Do nothing - endangers conference autobid status creating even more instability


    Until you can grasp the concepts associated with core member and autobid requirements, all your so-called expert comments are just hot air.

    I thought the possibility of UND joining a Western Based Conference was remote due to the lack of West-Bound Flights? I also thought UND was going to convince Horizon League teams to add Hockey and then join the conference with Minnesota Duluth.

  12. Speaking of crowd size, I was just reading the new football media guide, and the Alerus is listed as having a seating capacity of 12,283. link. At what point was the capacity reduced from the 13,500 it used to be listed as?

    not a surprise to all of us Link ;)

    Just by comparing it to other stadiums that estimate seems about right

  13. I knew this was in the works, but what a pathetic attempt by I-AA to pretend it's not a lower division than I-A. It would've been nice and easy to explain to people that we were I-AA, but now we're supposed to say we're in the Football Championship Subdivision? Ugh. ???

    its more about non-football sports (especially basketball) jim- there have been many B-Ball coaches from schools which sponsor I-AA football who have complained about being called "I-AA basketball" in recruiting battles with B-ball coaches from schools which sponsor I-A football- and some recruits beleive it- the change in nomenclature may help change that.

  14. Hell I remember a USD football team losing to Montana by 2 touchdowns in Montana about 7 years ago. USD finishes 8th in the NCC that year and Montana is in the championshop game.


    Montana 45, USD 13, 9-4-99

    Montana lost in the first round of the playoffs, USD was 4-7, 6th in the then ten team NCC

    your memory might be a little off :lol:

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