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Posts posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. You're kidding, right?   7th Cavalry?  Custer?  Battle of Little Big Horn?  Wounded Knee Massacre?  


    There was also the 1st Dakota Cavalry Battalion- they were charged with keeping the settlers safe from Indian uprisings during the Civil War time period.




    Because of what their duties were, I can't hardly believe when it comes down to the final countdown Cavalry will be considered as a nickname option.  I prefer no nickname, but wouldn't mind Cavalry-  it's a part of the history of North Dakota, unlike- you guessed it- Roughridas!


    The Roughriders were never here.  They were from the southwestern states.   They were from hot climate regions by design, as those men were used to the weather conditions they would encounter in Cuba.  As a whole, they were together for just a few months from the beginning of training to the end of their fighting in Cuba.


    There was one member of the 1250+  Roughrider group who was from North Dakota.   His name was Jesse Langdon.  He was a 16 year old boy from Fargo who knew Teddy Roosevelt because Langdon's father was the Head Veterinarian at the North Dakota Ag College, and had worked Roosevelt's cattle.  As a side note, a few years after he was with the Roughriders, Jesse claimed to have psychic powers.  The link of North Dakota to the Roughriders is virtually non-existent, unless honoring a 16 year old boy from the NDAC is the plan for UND.


    Yes.....I realize there is a Roughrider award.  I realize the ND Tourism Dept. has done a great job trying to sell North Dakota as the roughrider state.  I've been to the Medora Musical- at the end of it, when they charge up San Juan Hill.... that hill's just southwest of Dickinson, right?   :silly:


    I think it's nuts the state sells itself on a fictitious history that has been repeated so many times now that some people mistake it for the truth.   


    If it is chosen it will definitely be unique- UND will be the only U. with a nickname chosen to honor a fairytale history.   

    only problem with your above statement is that every other state in the union could name their team the cavalry and mean the 3th volunteer regiment or the 9th regiment or the 10th regiment...it is too generic. but in the end if it chosen i would be all for it...good logo possibilities, somewhat unique, ties to the state...

  2. Your information isn't completely accurate. Ames High School are the Little Cyclones. They don't use the exact same name as Iowa State. Not exactly the same as having a high school and college in the same town use the exact same name. Pretty easy to keep them straight that way. It seems to be important to them that they are the Little Cyclones, not just the Cyclones. Maybe someone should convince Red River they should be the Little Roughriders so UND can become the Roughriders.

    and yes if und takes roughriders they should ask the city to rename the school the "roosevelts or the teddy's"...wouldn't cost too much to change and both high schools in town are talk about the old days of the redskins/roughriders...

  3. Only two I could live with are Cavalry & Prairie Hawks

    Roughriders is terrible & makes no sense & I hope the votes will not be there - It is in use & really has nothing to do with ND

    what does cavalry have to do with north dakota?  

    and two word combos of a color/region and a idea/thing/noun are odd and a dime a dozen---


    green hawks

    green wave

    green force

    mean green

    red wolves

    red storm

    red hogs

    red dragons

    red foxes

    blue hose

    blue hawks

    blue rebels

    blue raiders

    blue streaks

    tundra hawks

    prairie storm

    prairie wolves

    purple raiders

    purple eagles

    purple knights

    arctic foxes

    valley dragons

    golden flashes

    golden lions

    golden bobcats

    thunder wolves

    prairie stars.....


    game show time...match up more than three of the above names with their respective schools...i follow sports as much as anyone on here and i would have a hard time doing that..




    tar heels










    game show time..match up more than three of the above names with their respective schools now


    roughriders/nokotas would be easily recognizable as unique to und...especially is given time and a cool/marketable logo...

  4. what boggles me is that everyone i talk to about this says they like roughriders and nokotas the best (same with me) but i have not found one person that says "i like big green, green hawks, green pride, green sundogs, pride, flames, force, or any other stupid ass nicknames being thrown about? where are these people...oh yeah...fargo...a place i don't go to that often.


    nokotas-no one else has it...original and has a meaning

    roughriders-state nickname...run with it

    • Upvote 3
  5. Alumni, Champions Club members, season ticket holders, faculty, current students, Grand Forks residents.  Those groups are the most invested stakeholders to UND.  They should be the only ones allowed to vote in deciding a nickname. Anyone have Goehring's email?  :)

    yes on all the previous but just being a gf residence doesn't mean you should get a vote imo

    • Upvote 2
  6. Nope, not closer to the program than anyone else. Haven't been in game time locker room since the 86-87 team. I have enjoyed meeting and visiting with former and sometimes present players over the years. I always ask them their opinion about our coaches and every one speaks positively and with respect about Hak and his staff. They all want us to win National championships. So do you and I.

    Im not the guy who started calling for someone's head. Read your other posts. You and the others don't have solutions other than we have to win a title. With your next post, tell me why your opinion should carry anywhere near the same weight as the guys who play the game at this level and in the NHL. What do you know that they dont? One poor soul admits he loses sleep over these games. Some feel that if they donate money it makes them more relevant as a fan than you and I or the poor family who only can go to a game when their boss gives them her tix, or the student who gives up beer money once a month to see a game. You have no clue why,you just think your lives will be better with a new coach. That doesn't make sense. We are the Fighting Sioux family and when someone unfairly attacks our family then many of us will defend them. Conference titles and conference playoffs are great but we all want #8. The biggest difference as I see it is that I want that title for the players, coaches, state and University. Some of you guys seems to want that for yourselves. I happen to think that is a bit goofy cuz we aren't playing and in some cases it isn't healthy.

    i guess i just don't get why people would be so scared about letting hak go and trying someone else...you think if eades got the job the bottom would just fall out the bottom with ten straight losing seasons? i admire the ad at umd letting their womens coach go...try someone else and see what happens (and save about 200k a year too)

  7. So that's haks fault schmaltz just sat there? Please! At some point the players need to be held to the same standards you are holding Hak to...

    i guess you are missing the point being that maybe hak plays it to close to the vest and doesn't allow his players to use their god given talents...maybe schmaltz has been yelled at one too many times in practice to stay here, don't go there, do your job and don't mess up.....watch the video...there is fifteen seconds or ten seconds left in the game/season and he looked like he was posing for a picture back there...

    • Upvote 1
  8. Yeah that's it its not like it could have actually happened. Your genius adjustment would have probably been to tell the team to score more goals.

    that could be the problem right there...hak would rather not give up a goal than to score a goal sometimes...just look at the last fifteen seconds of the game from yesterday...it might be so ingrained into the players heads that they don't use instinct and react...i think it was schmaltz that just sat on the blue line staring at the scrum right in front of him on the boards...just frickin sat there...he should have been going forward with everything he had but he just stayed there??? why?

  9. okay genius, what should Hak have done differently? Where is the blame on the players (not saying they should get blamed but if Hak is why arn't they) for not executing properly?  Last time I checked, Hak wasn't the won who let in a couple soft goals or hit a few pipes....

    whatever sandelin, parker, york, allain, bennett, lucia, the gwoz, eaves, or comley did in the last few years did...what they did...don't know what they did but it worked.

  10. It was Michigan playing their best game of the season and Hunwick standing on his head with some help from the iron against UND and them playing an average game against Duluth.

    right off the checklist that all hak lovers have...


    hot goalie

    bad bounces

    bad ice

    bad luck

    what if jt miller had_____



    and the other team played their best game of the year.


    put em on dartboard...throw a dart and you have the reason why hak hasn't won a championship at any level in nearly 30 years!!!!!!!!

  11. You mean the Michigan game that we completely dominated and controlled what would have been the coaching adjustment you would have made in that game?

    whatever the adjustment that sandelin made two days later...not sure what it was but it got him a banner to hang in amsoil arena?

  12. Hak wasn't "handed" anything. He was given a very difficult job with plenty of pressure and plenty of support.

    Maybe I'm getting old or maybe I don't like people who hide behind a blog and call for someone's head when they themselves don't have a stake in this program other than to tell Gopher fans we won 8 and they only have 5 or whatever they have.

    When Ralph made his announcement that he was donating $100,000,000 there were a handful of people invited to a meeting room at Hyslop after the ceremony. Ralph was there. I was there. Where tf were you and don't pretend you have the faintest f'ing idea what Ralph would say or do. Ralph would give Hakstol and his staff a cocktail and tell them they did a great job and keep it up. He would tell them he appreciated the effort. He would tell Hak he prepared well and did a hell of a job. He would probably tell a story of one of his failures and how there were dumb asses in his life who had no faith in him or his dreams and ideas. He would tell Hak don't worry about the pissants he has his back. Then he would light up a cigarette and have another cocktail. Then he would say "Dave is there anything else I can do to help?". He would never do the chickenshit stuff you and a couple of other Pee Wee B guys are doing right after a game when these guys laid it in the line for you and I as fans but mostly for each other and the traditional of this school and program. Ralph would throw your sorry ass out of the room. Hakstol would still be coach cuz Ralph understood as well as anyone that in the end the road to success has ups and downs and you don't let the failures or setbacks keep you form accomplishing your goals. He would measure a man like an old soldier does. He could go to war with Hak. You sir, would not be in that band of brothers. Knock off your whiney I deserve a Natty and we haven't won won since Dean bull$%!# and do some self reflection as to why you have never been nor ever will be one that people would go to war with. The moderators may boot me but they allow you to say dumb ass stuff about others and they should. But then you need to accept that the overwhelming majority of people with an IQ above 80 and or know something about hockey are tired of your shtick.

    once again i haven't brought up dean or gino in my posts..they are gone and aren't coming back...and secondly ralph built his building to win National Titles not wcha, penrose, or final five titles and participation awards that are so popular now.  No f'ing way after the michigan game a couple years ago would he have said good job hak get em next year...no way.   And maybe you are too close to program to where you can't see that something is wrong with the hockey program and something needs to change.

    • Upvote 1
  13. You don't have a clue what it takes. The REA isn't enough. Gino, Dean and Hak have also had to put up with fans who think cuz they played 4th line on their Bantam B team they should get to sit and drink beer with them and listen to the dumb ass things they slur after 13 beers.

    i haven't mentioned gino or dean in any of my posts....they both won lots of games and national championships with far far less than what was handed to hak and i respect them for that...here is a question for ya...If ralph was alive today do you think that hak would be coach after these last 11 years??

  14. A much more important question though is if you fire Haks who do you replace him with?  Who's that better coach out there who's available/likely available that will get better results than Haks?  I want to know.   

    any of the head coaches at other schools that have won a national champion in the last ten years with 1/50 of the resources hak has been give over the years...any of them! 

  15. He doesn't have that problem because his teams consistently perform at a high level each year, thus the influx of money towards the hockey program. Remember, it costs a lot of have hockey and to have that building and if UND does not churn out a consistent winner each year, there will be less and less fans showing up. Chances are you wont show up to the Ralph to watch UND play if they are on a 8 game losing streak. But its okay, they won a title 5 years ago so they can suck for awhile...


    just like if you ask random ndac football fans which football conference they are in you will responses that range from NCC, Horizon, Summit, Gateway, and Big 12 because they are just there regardless....ask a lot of und hockey fans before a game and ask what rank in the nchc or national poll they are and you will get a lot of blank looks...REA will sell out pretty much every night for the rest of time no matter what product is put our there...regardless of record.

  16. Even I must admit that the Muss comparison is horrible. Muss couldn't win any games much less the big one. Its too bad that each team doesn't have a separate coach for the regular season and the playoffs. Hak is very good at pulling a team together and developing them to a certain point. However, he's simply not a big game coach.


    not saying that muss got a raw deal but if you talk to people that know intercollegiate sports they know that it takes $$$$$$$ to gets thing done...there is a spending war amonst schools for all sports...muss had guys that last couple of years that should have been graduate assistants as assistant head coaches and o and d coordinators...what we were expecting the results to be...on the ohter hand hak doesn't have that problem...he has every resource at his disposal yet he can't get some more blue chippers and maybe figure out that dump and chase and cycling just have a weak ass shot hit a "hot goalie" in the chest with no rebounds is not gonna get it done and the natinal tourney... but hey at least we are out shooting these teams we are losing to in the semi's??

    • Upvote 1
  17. I still take the overall success the program has had in the last 15 years. We may not have won one, but the team is always there at the end, and that's all one could ask. Some of you might be a little young but there were some lean years in some of those stretches. Lean enough were Men's and Women's basketball was out drawing men's hockey. I have confidence Dave will get one eventually.

    honest question...let's say hak keeps winning 70-75 % of his games but doesn't win a national title...how long would you be comfortable before making a change....5 years...ten years...20?

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