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Posts posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. They should really only need one meeting to narrow it down to the final three.

    Every member picks their 3 favorites. Add the scores. Public vote (three polling places on campus and mailed ballots to alumni.)

    Hire Ben Brien to develop Roughriders logo.

    for one i hope roughriders wins and two i hope its a no brainer that bb is chosen to do the new new logo...and not one that looks like a cartoon of teddy but something along the line of the old/new sioux logo he did a decade ago that is sharp, classy, fierce, and timeless

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  2. i guess it comes down to do we name the oldest, largest, flagship university in North Dakota one of OUR nicknames or do we name it after a rival to the east...seems pretty obvious to me?

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  3. Gopher fans.

    Anyone else still think Karl G is doing a bang-up job? His comment a few weeks earlier about the fan that sticks in his mind is the woman from Denver who wants an abstract nickname open to interpretation by the individual. Translation: he likes "Spirit."

    yes karl g...you are now officially a !@#!$!


    “I kind of like the ‘Spirit,’ as kind of the spirit of North Dakota,” Committee Chairman and UND alumnus Karl Goehring said. “It just sticks out a little bit to me."

  4. fightingsioux4life = SIOUXFAN97

    Have to be the same person, I PRAY they are the same person, two separate people like this in society is why we can't have nice things.

    what's funny is that the majority of people i talk to about hak say he had is time/opportunity and its time for someone else to try their style...yes he won a lot but still this aint jv hockey we are talking about here...

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  5. I'm curious as to what you think the UND legacies are of players like Greg Johnson, Zach Parise, Matt Greene, and Jonathan Toews...

    greg johnson-before my time

    parise-gave it everything he had on every shift

    greene-have some mutual friends...they say one of the nicest guys you could meet

    toews-until he brings the cup back to gf and rea the jury is out on him 

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  6. Do you not remember the Cam Johnson experiment in the Lake Superior State game?  Not sure what would make any coach pull Zane at any time during the playoffs.  So that is celarly not an option.  While I agree that the coach has a lot to do with how a team plays, in the end it is the payers.  So sick of hearing how Hak gets the blame for all these FF loses.  How bout putting a little blame on the players?  There the ones that are out there. 


    Either way, I just hope all the Fire Hak (and now Fire Berry) nonsense can just go away.  Coaches put teams in posistions to win and to win big games.  And Hak has done that for 11 years hear at UND. 


    Hak is gone.  People can stop riping on him now.

    it's bad enough that hak is going to philly where riping coaches is what they do but to think that hak won't have an "x" on his back by opposing coaches that worked their way up from the echl, ahl, and then to assistants for many many years you are delusional...this is going to look pretty tame if hak goes to phily and becomes "a good coach."

  7. why didn't Kentucky win the national championship this year, they went undefeated the whole season and lost in the championship game...one and done tournament formats don't favor powerful teams at all, that's what makes them interesting.

    yet somehow calipari somehow figured it out in 2012 and won the whole damn thing....if hak had one it even in 2005 we wouldn't be having this conversation....much less in 2012 with 11 seniors

    • Downvote 3
  8. Yeah, and the NHL playoffs aren't a one loss an done scenario like the NCAA tourney is. Before we get ahead of ourselves, lets give Hak some time to get the Flyers re-tooled for a potential playoff run before we even broach the subject of the Flyers in the playoffs. But back to the point, me thinks Hak could have retooled his UND teams enough to win a few Natties if the NCAA tourney was a best of three situation with the opportunity to make adjustments from game to game like they do in the NHL. Whew. I'm done.


    4 straight wins in college (highest budget in d1 so you are the big dog) is easier/harder than 16 wins in the postseason aginst dogs that are just as big or bigger (ny rangers, red wings, maple leafs)

  9. Do you think Hak got either? I certainly don't. And neither do the Flyers.

    i guess im still a little puzzled about them hiring him still...if hak couldn't figure out a way to win four games how the hell do you think he is gonna figure out a way to win 16??? and on top of that he aint going against michigan tech, st lawrence, niagra, or penn state anymore!!

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  10. "'Hak' is a farmer," Jackson said. "I use that term endearingly. It's someone who works their ass off and does everything. He can fix the tractor, he can plant crops, he can harvest, he can deal with whatever to try and adapt and overcome everything. Here, he gets paid very well, but he's not driving a fancy car. He's a simple guy."


    really? a simple guy living in a 700k house on ivy drive?? get real

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  11. the ndac hasn't had to throw that much in the last few years bc of crockett...he's gone and i doubt his replacement is as good as him so maybe they will have to throw and if they do bubba and company are gonna blitz...and although wentz is fast he also a big target for our lb's to hit and hopefully hit hard

  12. I assume you mean Tyler. Tobey would be the first to jump from equipment manager to asst. coach. Of course nobody could do it better or with more flare than Tobes.

    OOPS...yeah i meant tyler...talked to coach oliver today and i asked him if he was heading to his interview and he laughed pretty hard...

  13. This is where it gets tricky; athletic programs lose money, its just the way it is. Hockey loses money and so does football. Yes, football loses more than hockey, which is part of the reason the "revenue-generation" arguments from hockey-only supporters comes into play. But, the difference in coaching salaries/equipment/uniforms/recruiting dollars for UND football vs. UND hockey is $2 million; that's too much.  If hockey lowered their expenditures down to just $5 million, they would theoretically give UND football an extra $600,000 which would be phenomenal for the football program. 


    Lastly, the football team will bring in much more when winning. Tickets sales will go up if UND wins consistently, which will minimize the revenue-expense margin. You have to spend money to make money, and I think UND athletics could do a better job investing in UND football.  

    amen...one way that REA could save tons of money is reduce the amount of damn ushers at some of these games....the ratio of ushers to fans at some mens bball and womens games is damn crazy...and don't get me started on how many damn cops are needed at a womens game with an attendance of 1500 and 1495 of them are old norwegian men and women...

  14. I go off coaching salaries where we are way behind the competition. Even Bubba should be paid more than 150k. I never heard why we aren't more competitive in pay for Basketball and Football. Would be curious to hear as well

    but the foks over at REA arent talkin....where does all the money go??? good question.

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