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Posts posted by tboneund

  1. Is it fair? NO.

    However, life is not fair. Private schools, in general provide better education, this is from someone who was educated in the public school system. So maybe the choice to switch schools after being recruited is to benefit the student BOTH academically and athletically.

  2. I have a few friends and family who have served and are serving in the armed forces. I asked them if they thought it was disrespectful because I did not want to continue saying it myself if they though it was disrespectful. The two answers I got were:

    1. I am not offended by it and don't really care.

    2. Why not use it? The Sioux and other American Indians were here first so technically it is the home of the Sioux.

  3. Maine has a pair of real scorers coming in, and the sky's the limit for the rookie Leveille (led nation in assists with THAT offense :0 ). Hopefully something like back to the future is in the works.

    They also have a kid named Matt Lundin coming in. He's not a scoring threat...in fact his job is to do the exact opposite. He's a goalie from Apple Valley, MN...last goalie out of AVHS (Apple Valley High School) was pretty good! :sad:

  4. Good job DU! I am just glad that they kept it in the WCHA!

    I guess Denver went with the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" approach, again, congratulations to Denver and all of their fans.

  5. The tuition is given at no additional cost to the school. It's like an employee taking a ride on a company jet when it has an open seat. The plane's gonna fly and one more person on board doesn't increase operating expenses significantly.

    Now, I realize that the student with an athletic scholarship does not contribute funds to the organization, but that money is not lost because the student would not contribute the money in any case (he or she would not attend the school). Room and board are another issue, but the tuition waiver does not cost the institution more money...state subsidies may not be granted for the out of state player, but I don't think that changes the fact that the costs are fixed on an institutional basis, especially when considering the total number of students enrolled. UND is not a tech school. It is, in fact, a very large institution.

    When the debate was on about NDSU's leap to Division 1, I heard reports that athletics do not benefit most institutions, but in fact, actually result in a net cash outlay. Most, if not all, of these "studies" included tuition costs and I do not believe that calculation is correct when it involves 200 scholarships out of 11,000 students. Of course, there are travel and other out of pocket expenses associated with athletics, but I'll bet ticket revenue far exceeds those actual, out of pocket expenses including room and board.

    Therefore, anytime someone tells you that the tuition waivers "cost" the department money, they are talking about an accounting entry only. For all practical purposes, the institution is whole...that is one of the reasons why athletic scholarships are limited - they are virtually free and very easy to give away...There may be other, justifiable reasons, but tuition cost is not the reason for the increase in ticket prices - those costs do not exist for the institution as a whole.

    First Rule of Economics: There's no such thing as a free lunch.

    Student athletes with scholarships do cost the University in the form of lost income. Is this lost income a big percent of the University

  6. You could also include that all seven tribes of the Sioux Nation have filed official statements against the use of the "Sioux" name and logo.

    Discussing both sides of an issue will always increase your credibility and prove that you truly researched the entire issue. If you are for the name/logo I would suggest discussing the opposing view and why it is wrong.

    The following links may help you research the topic further.

    A Battle Over a Name in the Land of the Sioux

    Comments on the article in the above link.

    Opinion: UND should drop 'Fighting Sioux' nickname

    'Fighting Sioux' debate rages on

    The last link here has many other useful links. Enjoy!

  7. I agree with PCM, goaltending is a non-factor next year and I look forward to seeing all of the goalies getting some time. I would like to see Brandt more often, but Parise, Lammy, and Ziggy all have the ability to do great things for next year's team.

  8. As long as the Avs don't win it I'll be fine. I would not mind seeing the Red Wings go all the way, just to prove that old athletes can still play a physically demanding game at the highest level. However, I want to see Legace in net, he deserves a shot at carrying the team to the cup, besides Hasek is out, and Cujo has proven to be an injury wild card as well.

    I will cheer for Nashville and Calgary first because they seem to be the underdog teams and everyone loves to see the underdog win...except maybe Avs fans (remember last year?...third year expansion team going to the 3rd round of the playoffs...priceless!)

  9. First, PCM, I thank you for once again for using logic to make an important point., I appreciate it.

    Secondly, it seems people here are too willing to blame goalies when we lose and praise the team when we win.

    Finally, thank you to Dean Blais and the rest of the coahing staff for building a team so good and with so much depth that we have time to complain about the small flaws that every human player will inevitably have.

    PS. Correctly quoting Dean Blais, what Dean himself said, is professional. Thank you PCM for your accurate reporting, most of us really appreciate it.

  10. I'm going to go with whoever is best in practice...just a guess.

    Here is the list as I would like to see it:

    Jake Brandt

    Jordan Parise

    Phillippe Lamoureux

    Nate Ziegelmann

    Keep in mind that is how I would like to see it. Brandt as #1 because I think he's good and he'll be a senior. Parise as #2 or maybe #1B because he is solid, he was good as a freshman, he'll be better as a Sophmore. Lamoureux becuase I have heard him compared to Karl Goehring, which makes this Apple Valley native smile ;) . Finally Ziegelmann as #4 because he didn't play much this year and if Lamoureux is as good as I have read he is, the bench will be too crowded for him.

    Next season is several months away and a lot can happen in that time. I hope the guys enjoy the off season and come back hungery for a championship. Anyway you look at it UND should not have any serious weak spots next year. Blais has done a good job of making this a deep team at every position.

    More than my 2 cents, but you asked. :p

  11. Wouldn't be to suprised. "Hockey Factory."

    Give the guy a break, he already apologized for and clarified that comment. Matt's a great guy and doesn't deserve a jab like this.

  12. As long as all four goalies provide something for the team we can afford to keep them. We kept Sofie around so we might as well keep Ziggy around. I only say that becuase based on this year and what I have read about Lamoureux, Ziggy seems to be the odd-man out. (Or is it even-man out when there are four goalies?)

  13. Now that the Frozen Four teams have been decided I was just interested to see how people feel...my guess is a lot here would like to see a WCHA team win it all. While I would be happy to see either Denver or UMD win I'll be cheering for the Bulldogs because of the UND connection and becuase I think they deserve it more than the rest, IMHO.

  14. Watching the gophers lose doesn't make up for watching the Sioux lose, but it certainly helps the healing process.

    Tough loss for the Gophers, I can admit that their ability to turn it on in the playoffs has impresed me. Looks like they ran into a hot goalie and a hungry UMD team.

    Well derserved win for the Dogs, again, good luck in Boston!

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