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Posts posted by SiouxScore

  1. 3 hours ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    Yeah UND must not be a championship program anymore by the way we have celebrated recent meaningless non conference wins….

    why would ASU not treat it as a big game? Why would we not? It’s a destination game so that makes it big. Beating a ranked team in their house is also big for any program. Stop trying to minimize what they did just because we lost!

    I haven't seen UND celebrate any win this year really big except for the Minnesota win and that is a different situation because game winning ending goals always are.

    I really don't care where the game is or whether it is a destination game or not it is just another regular season game. Games against Minnesota, Denver, Duluth, St. Cloud, and really all conference games are much higher on the priority list.

    I'm not minimizing what they did I'm saying they should celebrate the win but acting like last night is the be all end all and celebrating to that extent is over the top. If you want to be a legitimate program you should have your eyes on something bigger.

  2. 1 hour ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    Why wouldn’t you celebrate that win? We made this into a big game and they won in front of a big crowd of opposing fans. 

    Celebrate yes but to celebrate like you won some kind of championship just shows the difference for me in the programs. Yeah it is a destination game but at the end of the day it is just another non-con game and in the grand scheme of things nowhere near as big as Minnesota or even Quinnipiac who are likely to be teams who could be in the mix for a championship although in my opinion I don't think Q makes that type of run come March. Arizona State is celebrating like that because they think they proved something last night and it is a big thing for them, for UND it is a game they expect to win and should win. Honestly ASU celebrating like they did and putting so much into that game makes the UND performance all the more embarrassing in my mind.

  3. Embarrassing performance and effort tonight

    go from showing some solid potential against a top national title contender to losing and looking terrible against a non-tourney team. I know some think ASU is a good team I just don’t agree

    A couple soft goals against again that just can’t go in

    Zero interest in competing on board battles

    Sloppy with the puck all night

    Lot of coasting around just hoping the puck finds you

    Ton of individual plays and just skating into turnovers instead of going wide and taking what’s there. Instead of stopping just inside the blue line all the time get the puck in deep with speed here and there

    Arizona State celebrates like they won a title tonight

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  4. On 10/23/2022 at 1:35 PM, SWSiouxMN said:

    How they went from a dominate MSU performance to this... makes me think something is going on behind the scenes.

    The season is already a failure in my eyes because the stars were all aligned for the Gophers to get to Indy and they aren't going.  Keeping the Axe and winning the Pig isn't going to change that. 

    Fleck needs to get more playmakers on the outside and USE them...


    Agree completely on a underachieving/disappointing season

    WR recruiting has been absolutely terrible. They've had like 9 WRs transfer the last few years and none of them doing anything at their new schools either. For a guy in PJ who coached WRs in the NFL and Simon who was so highly touted to basically only have Johnson, Bateman, and CAB as solid WRs in their time here is crazy.

  5. 13 hours ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    No, but it was absolutely the right call. Clearly spun Kunz's helmet around in the scrum. I didn't see a face mask by any of our guys on the play and if there was one, it definitely was not to the level of Cooley's. 

    It wasn't as bad but I think it was Kunz who did technically grab a Gopher facemask right away, no turn like Cooley though.

  6. 42 minutes ago, SWSiouxMN said:

    Is it time to ask if Fleck has taken the Gophers as far as he can take them?

    Tonight was the sloppiest I've seen his team since probably his first season. Really disappointed in how the offense ran early. I know it is a QB in his first start in that tough environment but gotta let the kid play. 3 runs into loaded boxes after the interception return inside the 20 was atrocious, go for the kill there. 

    5 games left all very winnable but with how that 2nd half went with some lack of effort, not getting aligned, and things like that I'm interested to see this team next Saturday. Either pull together and respond and salvage the season down the stretch even though it will still finish as a disappointment or feel sorry for yourselves and don't show up ready to play and things really get off the track.

    I do think PJ needs to look at his philosophy and change some things. Offensively he is so worried about time of possession and playing Tressel ball but that needs to change. You have to be willing to be more open offensively, take more shots, play with varying tempo, push the pace at times.

  7. Glad to get out of this weekend with a split. Was really worried the Gophers would put up some big numbers against UND but DeRidder responded well and the defensive coverage was much better than it had been the first couple weeks. 

    Man that Minnesota team is so so deep and it is scary to think how good they can be in a few months, but as we know well the best team doesn't always win the championship.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Godsmack said:

    Yah, it felt like we were hanging on for dear life through much of the second half of the game. Didn’t seem like we generated any sustain O zone pressure. Minnesota have better skaters? 

    Minnesota has better skaters than any team in college hockey. I'd put their d group at the top of the list as well. Part of the lack of o zone pressure was us as well though, seemed like at times they were so focused on playing defense they just pointlessly gave up the puck instead of looking to create and make plays offensively. 

  9. Thought we were gonna hang on and steal a W

    DeRidder was really solid but I think he'd want that tying goal back

    Took advantage of opportunities but have to generate more, at times it felt like we'd have the puck in O zone with room to operate and we were almost more worried about just getting back to play D instead of looking to make a play. You have the puck look for offense!

    Too many careless plays just getting rid of the puck, Minnesota's D is the best in the country you have to make things harder on them too many easy retrievals

    Minnesota's offensive depth is much better than ours but I thought we did a decent job limiting chances from prime scoring areas. A much better job in coverage away from the puck as well as getting sticks on pucks/guys

    After really sitting back in the 2nd I thought we came out decently aggressive in the 3rd but then about halfway through it is like a switch flipped and we went back to sitting back and chipping pucks in with really no purpose or even forecheck, Minnesota is too good of team to allow easy uncontested outs and think you can just win playing defense. The best defense against them is some o zone time and making their forwards play in the d zone.

  10. Just not much good to take from tonight. Not many individuals or aspects of the game that went well.

    Gonna need to clean up a ton and be much sharper before Friday night or it will be a long 120 minutes in Minneapolis because that team is much more skilled than Quinnipiac. 

    Between this game and the ugly Gopher football performance it has been a pretty disappointing Saturday for me.

  11. Really good response in the 2nd and 3rd.

    1st was awful. Just very soft in every area. Weak clears, passes, coverage, on the boards, etc

    The overturned goal sure seemed like the wrong call to me. Looked like puck entered and tagup rule would be in effect but it’s almost like they thought our guy carried it in and ruled it that way.

    After some pretty bad PPs they stepped up and delivered in the 3rd.

    Goaltending has to be better. Really only 1 or 2 real soft goals but need a goalie to come up with a couple key saves on a real good chance. 

    Need to be much stronger on clears too much is better than not enough.


    Transition game was rough both ways for us tonight, think there is opportunity to take advantage for a quick strike or 2 if it’s sharper tomorrow.


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  12. Pretty solid performance for the most part after a slow start. Took care of a team we should take care of this weekend now we will see how we stack up against some much better competition the next couple weeks. One thing that really showed this weekend though was the depth is there with this group, much more skill throughout the lineup especially up front.

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