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Posts posted by BigGreyAnt41

  1. I really don't know what to expect. Given that Wisconsin is in 8th, the stats would say the Sioux could pull off a sweep. But this team has proven unpredictable. I would like to hear some opinions on the upcoming weekend. A sweep is almost necessary to grab home ice for the first round.

  2. It is on Charter Cable #14 in So MN it is being televised in our area

    So if they have camera's running, why aren't we getting a feed for the FSSN?

    Also, who would I call to inquire about us not getting the broadcast this weekend?

  3. Blais says that next season, Parise will probably be playing with Brady Murray and Bochenski. He thinks that could be one of the greatest lines in Sioux history.

    This is VERY encouraging. Seems like we'll have him for one more year for sure. I don't think Blais would have said anything like that unless Parise has also said something.

  4. I think it amazing that half of the men's top 10 is NCC.

    I really hope the women can win out, which they definatly have the talent to do. Cuz then we would most likely host the regionals. I'm sure that's quite an atmosphere in the hyslop for regional.

  5. What do you mean 12,000 isn't enough in fargo? It would be nice if it was bigger only because more concerts would come up here. But how often is that place actually full? Only time I can think of is when the Sioux come to town.

    I grew up in Moorhead, by the way. So I pretty much know what I'm talking about.

  6. Unfortunately, we'd need to get FB attendance up to about 17,000 to go D-IA instead of just D-IAA. That's far more realistic, though, than attracting Big Ten attention, for which you'd either have to have a history of a top football program (e.g. Notre Dame) or attendance up to about 50,000 and school size up to about 35,000.

    Don't worry, though, Big Ten hockey is something that only seems realistic to those wishful Bison fans who take delight in things that hurt UND athletics (browse any Bison-frequented board around the time they all misunderstood the hockey autobid situation for examples of the people I'm talking about). It's discussed to death on USCHO, so I won't go into all the reasons, but Big Ten won't form a hockey conference with the 5 current members and probably wouldn't really be interested until about 8 had hockey. That's not happening any time soon.

    I know, I know. Just wishful thinking. But wouldn't it be damn cool?!?

  7. Just out of curiousity, why don't teams play the regionals at the site that is in their region? Why wouldn't UND play in Minneapolis (St. Paul, I believe) and OSU play in Ann Arbor?? Why do teams get moved around like that?

  8. I think the key is going to be able to hold 2nd place. Like said, if they can rip up denver, they have a decent shot at it. Plus they still have UMD, Mankato, and Wisconsin after Denver. Mankato will be tough, Wisconsin shouldn't be too bad, I have no idea about UMD, but they need to pull out the season 7-1 or better in my opinion to get a good spot for the Final Five.

    The way it looks now, if we can pull out 2nd place, we'll end up playing 4 games in a row against Wisconsin (or 5 if we blow the 3rd or 4th).

  9. First of all, he can't go play a year in the NHL, then come back if they strike. If you play pro, you lose eligibitily. Secondly, I'm friends with a couple guys that live by him in the dorms, and they say they are pretty sure he's gonna stay all four. The way his dad is, I just can see him staying and getting a degree to complete what he started here. It just wouldn't seem like the work ethic he has to leave to go pro early.

  10. Actually, not really 62 games. Because while the women were winning their first 26 games, the men still lost some in there. 44 straight for the women is still incredible. I heard they might convert the Old Engelstad into a basketball arena. It would be cool, but the Hyslop is being so nice to us right now, I kinda don't wanna leave.

  11. Does anyone know what the status of Jenny Boll is? Are the dizzy spells gone, was it just a touch of the flu?

    hmm, I hadn't heard anything about that. I thought she was out on Saturday cuz of her knees. She didn't play most of the second half on friday and she sat with ice bags on her knees. Hopefully she's back at 100% on thursday.

  12. I thought it was a good omen in Providence when a bus from the Shamrock Lines picked up the Sioux team at the airport. That same bus -- painted green and white -- provided the team's transportation during the 2000 Frozen Four. Not that I'm superstitious or anything... :)

    Think Blais did that on purpose??

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