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The Walrus

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Posts posted by The Walrus

  1. I am wondering if anyone ever thought that it might not be REA to blame for the new round of Season ticket

    prices? The letter is from Bunning and the donation goes to Foundation not REA and the athletic department is in the hole so the cuts may be going to UND Athletics and not REA. It's just a thought. Because if you read the letter it was one of the hardest decissions they had to make (ya right) doing these adjustments. It is just my opinion but I think that this round is UND Athletics not REA. I believe some of it has been REA but maybe just not this time.

    My Question would be simple then.....Why has UND Athletics been consistently in the RED since we moved into The DONATED REA.

    Just a Thought....WHY?

  2. I have no problem paying the piper..But whose is the piper?

    Over the last 5-6years (Since REA was DONATED) the tickets prices have TRIPLED, Our attendance has DOUBLED, Concessions have grown at least TEN FOLD....

    But Our "Fighting Sioux Club" priviledges have diminished From INCREASED base donation 4 years ago Coaches Club $1000...Now soon to go over $1100....2 Full/2 Half Price then..2/ 1/3 Off....then 2/ 1/4 Off...Now take it or leave it all four FULL PRICE...

    REA also sells Suites for over 1 Million a Year, Plus Advertising Dollars (You can Not take a leak without someone saying this bathroom break brought to you by?:))

    Our Hockey Team pays to Practice and Play at the REA...

    Where has all the Money Gone?;)

    5 Years ago at the OLD REA....Dean Blais and Denny Gunderson may have been the only two people with keys to the arena....Now REA may employee more staff then Simplot?

    I'll Renew but could I at least this year get the Media Guides I was promised for the last 15 years???

  3. Just a uneducated guess....

    The opening has attracted a number of Division I assistants, including Michael Jaskulski of Florida State, Brian Jones of Iowa, Marty Gillespie of Rice, Chris Hollender of Army, Mark Morefield of Baylor, and Tony Fuller of Stanford.

    the above 6...add John Fitzpatrick, Randall Herbst, Mark Johnson,

    Wild card picks... Boushee, Rico, Smith... (choose one)

    those are my ten.....just a guess?

  4. What I find interesting is that both UND and NDSU are still recruiting the same Kids...

    I thought with the move up that you needed superior talent, more speed, Kids that played a tougher schedule than the North Dakota Leagues, or the lower level area Minnesota Leagues could produce.

    Seems to me we are still going head to head on all local kids, that 3-4 years ago could not fit into the upper level Div1AA program...?

  5. Wyomingbison writes....Not Sure Winonia is a UND Peer?

    They just won a Div2 Natl Championship in Mens Basketball..?

    I am not sure why everyone downgrades the likes of the Northern Sun Conference and other ND Schools other than the Big two..UND and NDSU....

    I believe alot of top Div1 schools play within their States and Regions when possible to complete scheduling, but never get critized.

    UND can play within the state and still be successful, and still play a strong non-conference schedule with regional Div2 powers, like Pitt State, Grand Valley, and throw in some RMAC Schools to boot...

    Why not be the BEST Div2 has to offer...Would that be so awful..?

  6. UND to play exhibition games vs. Indiana and Purdue next year. link.

    I wonder if we could get a gaurentee payday from the Timberwolves (NBA).....?

    Our new slogan "Anybody can beat us up for a Buck"

  7. In 2004 when UND decided not to continue the series with NDSU, Division II was using a formula that heavily penalized teams for playing I-AA opponents. That formula was in place in 2003 and it essentially kept NDSU out of the playoffs because they played two I-AA schools.

    Now that formula is gone and RPI is used. So playing a I-AA school doesn't damage UND's chances of making the postseason like it did a couple of years ago.


    Is there a catch on 11 game schedule vs. a 10 game schedule..?

    I was told they have to count 10 games, if you play 11 you can throw one out of the rpi...?

  8. Sooooo, now what is UND's excuse going to be for not playing NDSU in football anymore? Isn't a game against UNI as "damaging" to playoff seeding criteria as a game against NDSU?


    But we called NDSU to fill our Oct 21 2006 date..and NDSU refused to play us..?

  9. Part of the reason I see to schedule the IAA game is better prepare for the playoffs (if UND makes it). Playing Crookston and Mesa St. doesn't do that. UND needed a stronger nonconference game. I think the last couple of years some fans might have learned that.

    Agreed....But if you do not play a 11 game schedule, a lost to a 1AA vs. a win against any DivII could keep you home from the playoffs...That is sad, but it is the formula we have to live with for now..?

  10. Dale did not want it...

    Minnesota probably would not have played it..? (Trouble with NDSU would not play them early and scheduling conflicts , who knows...you need a full schedule)

    Bunning 1st Called NDSU for Oct 21, got turned down, then called the gophers...

  11. Cratter..

    I believe Lt Col Make the 1st Call..


    I agree but please check on 1AA games not counting for a 11 game season, if we only play 10 I believe it does count, and a loss will definitely hurt our playoff chances..

    Also visiting with our Head Football Coach, the 1st Goal everyear is to make the playoffs, 1st and foremost

  12. Hey don't go throwing facts in there for Walrus :lol:

    Check with Lt Col Bunning, Any of the Staff Coaches, or Your Favorite Sports Writer Wayne Nelson, University of Minn. was either contacted by us or they sent out feelers when NDSU 1st refused there request for Oct 21, 2006....Facts

    As for UNI that is fine to play a D1AA, but as far as SOS index a Loss to them is more harmful then a Win in Div2...Again just Facts

    Post Note* UNI Gives us $70,000 to bus there.......It would cost us Around $70,000 to fly out and play Mesa.....$140,000 turn around ..not about MONEY?

  13. Talked with Jeff Glas today still very hopeful he will get invited to camp in August. A few teams have shown interest, and he may even get allocated to NFL Europe. He will continue to work out with Coach Blevins in Virginia, till something opens...Good Luck Jeff!

  14. UNI will supposedly announce their schedule tomorrow (wednesday) and UND will be on it for a Sept. 9th game - that should finalize things :lol:

    Can't dispute much else Walrus said EXCEPT it will be a slaughter. Most likely a UNI win, but we're not Crookston...

    Heck we had a chance to fill the October 23 date 2006 with the U of Minn.....But Dale said no way, another Bunning brain storm..Dale did not want the boys all beat up for the next week UNO game which could have playoff ramifacations....Money is not everything...

  15. I'm confused. UNH, Maine, etc appear to be able to support hockey, field competitive football, basketball, and other sports (including baseball, seen them in the CWS a couple of times). So what, if anything do these schools have that UND is missing?

    Other schools, Presbyterian College, and Campbell University are moving up and with football. I live down by Fl Gulf Coast Univ. We NEVER see this athletic program reported even here. Why is a strong, hi attendance, good funding university even considering that remaining D-II is the place to stay?

    Time to MOVE forward is now! Can deal with the name change, or sue NCAA, address the transition issues. If Big Sky aren't available during transition, join the United _____ Conferences so have games/Matches, and return to playing your peer schools. The heart of NCC that was champions was four schools, UNI, UND, NDSU & SDSU. Three of these are D-1.

    Both UNH and U of Maine are supported by bigger metro areas than Grand Forks...Maine maybe 4X Larger, UNH in Manchester is 2X bigger... More people , More Money, More Support...Fargo will make it eventually, they are at least 3X bigger than Grand Forks....

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