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The Walrus

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Posts posted by The Walrus

  1. Fighting Sioux at the 35 yard line.

    *grabs another Mike's*

    Hopefully Enger gets at least one more sack and gets the record for sacks in a game.

    I hope so...Jared is a Great Story, Football straighten out his life, he is about 30 years old


    Hey where is this guy....? :lol: Keep it going Sioux!

  3. I would say NO. Maybe the mid-80's with Willis Jacox and Tracy Martin, but those teams weren't good, and I'm pretty sure Chappell is considerably faster than Jacox was. I think the speed of Chappell and Phillip Moore is comparable, but I don't ever recall Phillip ever playing with a receiver with Dressler's speed.

    What I love is that...."THEY ARE NORTH DAKOTA KIDS"

    Great to see local talent excel...

  4. Also Darrell Bevel the new Vikings O Coordinator was Brook's Qb Coach at Wisconsin, and also played there, This is a great move for Brooks..

    Just sign a 3 year contract extension, now will quailfy for NFL pension plan if he continues to make the team each year....HUGE

    Congrats Brooks...and Most important Give Grandma Lisa and Grandpa Rob a Chance to see their Grandson more!

  5. SOmewhat on topic, somewhat off:

    Since I am unfamiliar with court proceedings I thought I'd ask this question: Say the verdict is guilty and it moves on to sentencing. Who deliberates the sentence? Is it the jury or the judge? If the jury deliberates the sentence (put to death or life in prison or whatever) is it the same jury?

    I know that seems like a rather dumb question, but I guess I just don't know the answer to these things.

    It seems that they almost rehash the whole trial again, to see if it fits the death penalty requirements..

    here is one link..


  6. I was in court today to Support Linda and Alan and Family..

    Both PCM and Hockeymom have this correct.

    Mr Wrigley gave a passoniate and emotional closing statement that has several Family Members, Observers, Media, Clerks, and Jurors wiping their eyes.This is by far one of the hardest things I have ever done, so difficult to sit there helpess and listen to arguments and see the pain and anquish this Man has caused.

    I felt that Mr. Hoy really struggled in his closing, seemed to me that he did not even buy what he was trying to sell.

    Judge Erickson seems a very Logical, Fair and Committed Judge to get this thing done right so that there will not be any chance at appeal.

    All that being said , My feelings are that the jury will take less than 1 day, and return with a verdict of Guilty!

    The penalty phase will then follow, the death penalty could take a longer deliberation.

  7. as I understand it...King Features Syndicate (owner of the Blondie Comic Strip) didn't have a problem with a local restaurant using their characters UNTIL they decided to start a chain of Dagwood Sub shops. The local place would have had to become a subshop to keep using the name so they decided to change...

    This is Partly True...

    The owners of the Blondie Comic Strip have Started a National Change of Dagwoods Sub Shops...True

    The New Owners Decided a Name change was a wise move..


  8. Rumor has it that the previous owner at one time was a huge supporter of UND hockey, late last year he had a falling out with REA and the alumni association over something (not quite sure what). At that point he stopped doing the dagwoods bus to the games, and has since sold the restaraunt.

    This is False....Mike

  9. Congrats to Cazzy. Where did you find any information on this because I can not find it anywhere on the Men's USA National Team website? I would like to see who also made the team.

    I talked to Cazzy, and he said the USA Manager said to him pack your bags your coming with us, not sure when it will be posted, Cazzy told me he would email me info and schedule , I will post here when I get it.

  10. Looks like moves to D1 can payoff. :silly::silly:

    No question...Back in the Day, South Dakota under the Leadership of then AD Carl Miller, played the likes of Oklahoma, Nebrasksa, for big pay days that eventually lead to the Building Costs and Construction of their Dakota Dome....

    I guess it is just a matter of how many times and for what price you want to get wooped up on..?

  11. I saw Ralph Erickson many times in action in disctrict court, and he definalty knows what he is doing. Let's just hope and pray that all goes well and there is no mis-trial......it must be hard for her family to watch, I can't imagine what it would be like to have to sit through all of this again.

    I'm going down on Monday to Support Alan Sjodin and Linda Walker, It will be one of the Toughest things I have ever done in my Life. I will be very hard to sit and watch these proceeding, I'm sorry but in my mind he is 100% Guilty. Alan and Linda have become good friends and need our support as much as we can.

  12. You are right ..he has worked very hard for it. He (and his family) have made many sacrifices. I will see him on Friday and pass along your good wishes. thx dk

    Thank You! He is with the perfect organization, I was born and raised in Denver with The Broncos and Lived there the 1st-25 years of my life, Still have some friends in the organization. They really like Chris and his work habits,I and others think He will be a good O-Lineman for many years in the NFL

  13. No such thing as a "lock" in the "Not For Long" league. But off the record i have heard similar things

    In todays Denver Post.......

    Position battle

    Rookie offensive linemen, no matter how good, usually spend their first season either on the practice squad or inactive on game days. Chris Kuper may be an exception. A fifth-round pick out of North Dakota, Kuper won't start, but he already is the second-string right guard behind veteran Cooper Carlisle.

  14. My sources tell me Kuper is a lock... The Broncos have currently 4 guys with North Dakota ties..

    Chris Kuper-UND-Lock

    Greg Eslinger- Minn/Thru Bismarck HS-Lock

    Chad Mustard-UND-(on Bubble)

    Rob Hunt-NDSU-Cavalier HS -(on Bubble, Propably back to NFL Europe)

  15. To my knowledge, that's never happened. Probably the closest thing to that was when an American Indian organization at St. Cloud State requested that UND's hockey team not wear its Sioux jerseys while playing at SCSU. As I recall, UND's AD said the request would be considered if it came officially from SCSU's administration, but such a request was never made.

    We had a exhibition game on schedule for 2006-07 Womens B-Ball vs. Iowa, They declined to play us because of "Fighting Sioux"

  16. Agreed Jim!

    I am annoyed by the personal attacks, such that has leveled upon coaches, student athletes, and others while possibly the same person would act differently face to face, or when not able to hide behind a screen name?

    Tips and inside info are great reading!

  17. I'm always kind of amused when professional sports discussers mock fans for daring to have sports discussions not sanctioned by them. Anyone can post a thought here, and anyone who disagrees can engage the original poster and any other interested parties in an ongoing discussion. Reading a post here and then criticizing it on a moderated radio show, to which the poster can't reply, is rather timid.

    Bear in mind an individual's personal stake in discussion mediums whenever they deride one (e.g. paid talent on radio chat show warns listeners against chatting on internet, or proprietor of a web discussion board makes fun of radio show :blush: ).

    Also keep in mind, despite what they may say, they're reading too...

    I think what part of their "Beef" is that the anonymity (sp?) of the posters. I have to agree that it is very hard sometimes to read opinions and bashings of various topics and not know of the credibility behind the remarks.

    At least Tim and Swygg are not hiding behind some screen name, you know where their opinions come from.

    I have posted of this site under two Names "Coachdags" and Now "The Walrus" because I recently sold my Bar....I believe most people know who I am and I am resposnible for what I say...

    No Drive By Posting Here...and Jim by your screen name you must somewhat agree?

    Mike Delohery

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