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Sioux Hockey Fanatic

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Posts posted by Sioux Hockey Fanatic

  1. We moved into #3 in the WCHA tonight--now we need to maintain that! I don't think we should count our chickens before they hatch.

    I'm still out on whether we should pull Lammy out from under the bus. Maybe he does need a break--even though he played well tonight how do we know what to expect next weekend. I think we should see Walski on the ice next weekend.

    I liked the fire from the team tonight...but does Radke really need to spend so much time in the penalty box? Is he trying to make up for all those games he didn't play? Or is this what his job on the team is?

  2. SCSU had 0 shots on goal in the second period. They only had 10 in the 3rd and scored on three of them! Not good, I'm ready to see what Walski can do. Chorney just doesn't look like the same player as he was last year and that's not a compliment. Disappointing loss.

  3. He does know that it's fault, doesn't he? ;)

    When I was pregnant with kid #1, I was overdue and had my husband take me out ice fishing, thinking the driving around on the ice would bounce the baby out! Didn't work. :lol:

    Well, if I wanted to go into labor I would definately be there--but I have two in there and they aren't quite ready yet. But I look like I'm a week overdue!

  4. Anyone going to be watching at Sensors? My hubby says I'm too pregnant to go to the game :lol: so I'll have to watch on TV. So cheer loud for me! Remember VandeVelde scored his first collegiate goal at SCSU last year, I think he's ready for some more!

  5. I still love Oshie, and will not hold this against him. From what I know about it--its nothing serious and its something probably half of us have done at some point in our lives. I highly doubt it will have any effect of his probation and most likely he will pay a fine and be done with it. If it does have an effect on the probation the city of Grand Forks must have money to burn on criminal court.

  6. At some point I think they need to give Walski some playing time. Maybe we'll see him in the second or third period after we get a good lead on SCSU. We are going to need a goalie that can deliver if something happens to Lammy.

  7. If anyone is more technically capable than me (and could post a link) it would be good for you to read the article Daggies is referring to about the interview in the Pioneer Press over the weekend. I was not surpirsed one bit to hear he was going Pro after the WJC. I also doubt that the NHL was putting pressure on him....I am guessing he was having a miserable time, felt the team was not playing up to the level he expected them to be at and he let it be known that he was open to an offer from the Islanders. And as soon as an offer came in he jumped on the first ship and didn't ask where it was going.

    ps also agree most people don't discuss their pay...

  8. Things are pretty tame campared to the days in the Old Ralph. They rarely spell out O-R-G...teamwork teamwork any more and I haven't seen a dead gopher make an appearance since the New Ralph opened. Not to mention the year they through out that Badger. You are always going to see people behaving inappropriately in public--not just hockey games. Just have to reinforce to our kids what is appropriate and what is not. I did't hear any F-You Sheppard chants last night but I just watched onTV.

  9. well hopefully we won't end up with 6 min of penalties in the first 11 min of play :lol:

    Well why not...According to the DU announcers last weekend we are more leathal short handed than at full strength!

    I predict...At least one short handed goal, Vande Velde gets one, and that the Gopher fans will be pooring out the doors of the Ralph by the middle of the 3rd period.

  10. I sure hope everyone that is "dinged up" can recover in the next few days and be up to par for the Gopher Series...Hopefully Oshie and Genoway will be 100%.

    Overall they looked great tonight, little out of sorts in the begining of the 3rd but they got right back on track.

    Northwest hasn't had many delays in the Twin Cites, hopefully they will be able to make it into Fargo with out any issues.

  11. I am still laughing about the 2 on 0 breakaway commentary by the Denver announcers...they are like Vande Velde looked like he didn't know what to do--never been on a 2 on 0 breakaway.

    And all the Mike Prirph references. Zajac and Malone apparently filling his role in the eyes of DU.

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