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Posts posted by sports4life

  1. yes, i could get up and drive 200mph for 4 hours. i bet you could too. the only real factor would be boredom setting in. you cant tell me that a talent is being able to drive a car really fast. WHOOOOOEE! or maybe their talent is that they cant get bored. but, i suppose i dont really like racing because i dont fit in with the racing "crowd." i shower, dont have a mullet, dont have a confederate flag in my front yard, and am not drinking around the clock.


    Wow you are sooo clueless on what it takes to actually do what these guys do on sundays. I seriously now feel dumber for even starting this argument with you.

  2. yes, i could get up and drive 200mph for 4 hours. i bet you could too. the only real factor would be boredom setting in. you cant tell me that a talent is being able to drive a car really fast. WHOOOOOEE! or maybe their talent is that they cant get bored. but, i suppose i dont really like racing because i dont fit in with the racing "crowd." i shower, dont have a mullet, dont have a confederate flag in my front yard, and am not drinking around the clock.

    Wow you are sooo clueless on what it takes to actually do what these guys do on sundays. I seriously now feel dumber for even starting this argument with you.


  3. o please. NASCAR? gross. everyone can drive a car. not everyone can skate or hit a baseball or catch a football.


    riiiiiiight buddy, anyone get get off there a$$ and drive 200mph for four hours straight lol good one. And why is it gross??? to dirty for you??? cause heaven forbid they touch engines and get all dirty oh my gosh :lol: gimmi a break make and grow a pair

  4. One last comment about the whole NASCAR topic, NASCAR IS A SPORT, although it isnt the most interesting(besides the starts, finishes, and crashes), it is a sport. Take for instance I do not like watching tennis, i think it is boring to watch, but i do not denounce it as a sport, i just dont watch it. It takes incredible endurance to sit inside a very hot and grueling car for fours hours straight, something any regular person cannot just walk off the street and do, it takes training, just like any other sport. So in my conclusion NASCAR IS A SPORT!

  5. "Nothing I do on the way to class... ie make a couple left turns is a sport, NASCAR is a joke"

    Yepdude you are a joke

    Are you kidding me? ARE YOU SAYING NASCAR IS A JOKE!! I would have to say that nascar is one of the most extreme sports there is, have you ever seen what they can do in a 12 sec. pit stop, i love all sports but nascar is the one that amazes me the most. If you dont think it is a sport what are your reasons?:lol:?

  6. I wouldn't want Greene anywhere near me also (especially pinned against the boards). We all know about guys who spend alot of time in jail :D

    He gives new meaning to the whole Fighting Susans's expression. :0


    No, the reason you wouldnt want to be anywhere near Green is because within a matter of 2 sec. you would be spitting ice chunks out of your mouth, which would actually be better than the crap that is coming out of there now!

  7. On the other hand this is really bad time to be setting examples with your star player.

    Way too set an example hirsh, can see it really paid off in the 3rd place game(or wait that game had no meaning anyways) ;)

    Those Gophers really want to get another National Cahmpionship to brag about.


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